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[英]angularjs removing special characters in dynamic form elements

I am trying to use angularjs dynamic form elements but when I type something in inputs, there are appearing many special characters []"": and field, value .etc in textarea, I just want to see in textarea what I wrote in inputs , 我正在尝试使用angularjs动态表单元素,但是当我在输入中键入内容时,会出现很多特殊字符[]"":和textarea中的field, value .etc,我只想在textarea中查看我在输入中写的内容,

this is what I am working on it http://plnkr.co/edit/JbjqjAoQ3odBhXF1a13r?p=preview 这就是我正在处理的内容http://plnkr.co/edit/JbjqjAoQ3odBhXF1a13r?p=preview

sorry for my poor english,,, 对不起,我英语不好,


What Chris Story says is correct. 克里斯·斯托里(Chris Story)说的是正确的。 You are trying to model the text value of the <textarea> to an array of objects, inputs 您正在尝试将<textarea>文本值建模为对象数组, inputs

If you are just trying to display the results like it seems, a <textarea> is not the way to go. 如果您只是<textarea>看起来那样显示结果,则<textarea>并非<textarea>之路。 You can display them in a simple list, like this: 您可以将它们显示在一个简单的列表中,如下所示:

    <li ng-repeat="input in inputs">{{input.field}} = {{input.value}}</li>


To display it in a <textarea> , you will need to store the list as string to use. 要在<textarea>显示它,您需要将列表存储为字符串以使用。 This can be done by appending each item into a single string each time there is a change to an input value using ng-change . 每当使用ng-change对输入值进行更改时,可以通过将每个项目附加到单个字符串中来完成此操作。

Change the inputs to utilize the ng-change: 更改输入以利用ng-change:

<div ng-repeat="input in inputs">
    <input type="text" ng-model="input.field" ng-change="inputChanged()" />
    <input type="text" ng-model="input.value" ng-change="inputChanged()" />
    <button ng-click="removeInput($index); inputChanged()">Remove</button>

And create the function that is called to maintain the string: 并创建用于维护字符串的函数:

$scope.inputChanged = function() {
  $scope.listString = "";
  for(var i = 0; i < $scope.inputs.length; i++) {
    var field = $scope.inputs[i].field;
    var value = $scope.inputs[i].value;
    $scope.listString += field + " = " + value + "; ";

And finally, use this $scope.listString in the <textarea> : 最后,在<textarea>使用此$scope.listString

<textarea rows="22" cols="55" ng-model="listString"></textarea>

I have forked your Plunkr here 在这里分叉了您的Plunkr

The behavior does not make much sense from a UX perspective, but this seems to match your requirement. 从UX的角度来看,此行为没有多大意义,但这似乎符合您的要求。 An option that might make sense is to add disabled="true" to the <textarea> so it can not be edited. 可能有意义的选项是将< disabled="true"添加到<textarea>以便无法对其进行编辑。

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