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[英]Small Javascript Issue with removing multiple elements from dynamic form

Can anyone shed any light on to what I'm doing wrong here if possible? 如果可能的话,任何人都可以阐明我在做什么错吗?

We have a basic form on a php page with javascript that creates 4 form fields when a button is clicked. 我们在php页面上有一个带有javascript的基本表单,当单击按钮时会创建4个表单字段。

If the button is clicked multiple times then it will keep creating rows of 4 columns. 如果多次单击该按钮,它将继续创建4列的行。 The problem is trying to remove the row (4 elements) if someone clicks the button, I can only ever get it to delete one element where I need it to remove all 4 elements (inputs) in that row, 问题是如果有人单击该按钮,则试图删除该行(4个元素),我只能在需要删除该行中所有4个元素(输入)的地方删除它,


var i = 0; /* Set Global Variable i */
function increment() {
    i += 1; /* Function for automatic increment of field's "Name" attribute. */

//Function to Remove Form Elements Dynamically
function removeElement(parentDiv, childDiv) {
    if (childDiv == parentDiv) {
        alert("The parent div cannot be removed.");
    } else if (document.getElementById(childDiv)) {
        var child = document.getElementById(childDiv);
        var parent = document.getElementById(parentDiv);
    } else {
        alert("Child div has already been removed or does not exist.");
        return false;

//Functions that will be called upon, when user click on the Name text field.
function nameFunction() {
    var r = document.createElement('span');
    var y = document.createElement("INPUT");
    y.setAttribute("type", "text");
    y.setAttribute("placeholder", "Name");
    var g = document.createElement("IMG");
    g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png");
    y.setAttribute("Name", "quantityordered_" + i);
    g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('myForm','id_" + i + "')");
    r.setAttribute("id", "id_" + i);

    var r = document.createElement('span');
    var y = document.createElement("INPUT");
    y.setAttribute("type", "text");
    y.setAttribute("placeholder", "QTY Delivered");
    var g = document.createElement("IMG");
    g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png");
    y.setAttribute("Name", "quantitydelivered_" + i);
    g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('myForm','id_" + i + "')");
    r.setAttribute("id", "id_" + i);

    var r = document.createElement('span');
    var y = document.createElement("INPUT");
    y.setAttribute("type", "text");
    y.setAttribute("placeholder", "Description");
    var g = document.createElement("IMG");
    g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png");
    y.setAttribute("Name", "description_" + i);
    g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('myForm','id_" + i + "')");
    r.setAttribute("id", "id_" + i);

    var r = document.createElement('span');
    var y = document.createElement("INPUT");
    y.setAttribute("type", "text");
    y.setAttribute("placeholder", "Price ie; £15.00");
    var g = document.createElement("IMG");
    g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png");
    y.setAttribute("Name", "price_" + i);
    g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('myForm','id_" + i + "')");
    r.setAttribute("id", "id_" + i);

//Functions that will be called upon, when user click on the Reset Button.
function resetElements() {
    document.getElementById('myForm').innerHTML = '';


<div class="col-md-12" style="margin-top:20px; padding-left:30px;">
    <button type="button" onclick="nameFunction()" class="btn btn-info">
      <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> 
      Add another Item

I hope this helps? 我希望这有帮助? Please note Iam new to JS and thought this would be a great project to dive into etc. 请注意Iam是JS的新手,并认为这将是深入研究etc的绝佳项目。

Many thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give 在此先感谢您提供任何建议

I think the best way is to place all the four created elements into surrounding div , give it an id and the remove it by id . 我认为最好的办法是将所有的四个创建的元素放到周围div ,给它一个id ,并通过将其删除id

But if you want to preserve the current structure you can remove them by a class name. 但是,如果要保留当前结构,可以按类名将其删除。

1) Create a function for generating class name from i (assuming that nameFunction creates 4 elements): 1)创建一个用于从i生成类名的函数(假设nameFunction创建4个元素):

   function getClassName(i) {
        return "name_spans_" + ~~((i - 1)/4);

2) Add a class to each generated span after each call to increment() : 2)在每次调用increment()之后,在每个生成的跨度中添加一个类:

increment(); // after this line
r.className += getClassName(i);

3) Modify onclick handler to pass i of the last generated span: 3)修改onclick处理程序以传递最后生成的跨度的i

g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('myForm'," + i + ")");

4) Modify removeElement function to remove all elements with a class name corresponding to passed i : 4)修改removeElement函数以删除具有与传递的i相对应的类名的所有元素:

function removeElement(parentDiv, i) {
    var parent = document.getElementById(parentDiv);
    var children = [].slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName(getClassName(i)));

    for (var c = 0; c < children.length; ++c) {

My response is similare to @user3153664 one, but i simplifiend the "create element" phase into one function and tryed to clean the code... 我的响应类似于@ user3153664一个,但是我将“创建元素”阶段简化为一个函数,并试图清理代码...

 var i = 0; /* Set Global Variable i */ function increment() { i += 1; /* Function for automatic increment of field's "Name" attribute. */ } //Function to Remove Form Elements Dynamically function removeElement(parentDiv, childDiv) { if (childDiv == parentDiv) { alert("The parent div cannot be removed."); } else if (document.getElementById(childDiv)) { var child = document.getElementById(childDiv); var parent = document.getElementById(parentDiv); parent.removeChild(child); } else { alert("Child div has already been removed or does not exist."); return false; } } function createInputElement(row, placeholder, name) { var y = document.createElement("INPUT"); y.setAttribute("type", "text"); y.setAttribute("placeholder", placeholder); var g = document.createElement("IMG"); g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png"); g.setAttribute("alt", "X"); y.setAttribute("Name", name); var r = document.createElement('span'); r.appendChild(y); g.onclick = function() { removeElement('myForm', row.getAttribute('id')) }; r.appendChild(g); return r; } //Functions that will be called upon, when user click on the Name text field. function nameFunction() { var row = document.createElement('P'); // a set of 4 elements to be delete together increment(); row.setAttribute("id", "id_" + i); // set the row id with the value of i row.appendChild(createInputElement(row, 'Name', 'quantityordered_'+i )); increment(); row.appendChild(createInputElement(row, 'QTY Delivered', 'quantitydelivered_'+i )); increment(); row.appendChild(createInputElement(row, 'Description', 'description_'+i )); increment(); row.appendChild(createInputElement(row, 'Price ie; £15.00', 'price_'+i )); document.getElementById("myForm").appendChild(row); } //Functions that will be called upon, when user click on the Reset Button. function resetElements() { document.getElementById('myForm').innerHTML = ''; } 
 <form id="myForm"> <div class="col-md-12" style="margin-top:20px; padding-left:30px;"> <button type="button" onclick="nameFunction()" class="btn btn-info"> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add another Item </button> </div> </form> 

Insert all 4 inputs into one "container" - and you can remove all of it by removing a container. 将所有4个输入插入一个“容器”中-您可以通过删除一个容器将其全部删除。

 var i = 0; /* Set Global Variable i */ function increment() { i += 1; /* Function for automatic increment of field's "Name" attribute. */ } //Function to Remove Form Elements Dynamically function removeElement(childId) { // Simplify form - only need a childId if (document.getElementById(childId)) { var child = document.getElementById(childId); child.parentNode.removeChild(child); } } //Functions that will be called upon, when user click on the Name text field. function nameFunction() { // Create a container for all 4 inputs var container = document.createElement('div'); var containerId = 'id_' + i; container.id = containerId; increment(); var r = document.createElement('span'); var y = document.createElement("INPUT"); y.setAttribute("type", "text"); y.setAttribute("placeholder", "Name"); var g = document.createElement("IMG"); g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png"); g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('" + containerId + "')"); y.setAttribute("Name", "quantityordered_" + i); r.appendChild(y); r.appendChild(g); container.appendChild(r); increment(); var r = document.createElement('span'); var y = document.createElement("INPUT"); y.setAttribute("type", "text"); y.setAttribute("placeholder", "QTY Delivered"); var g = document.createElement("IMG"); g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png"); g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('" + containerId + "')"); y.setAttribute("Name", "quantitydelivered_" + i); r.appendChild(y); r.appendChild(g); container.appendChild(r); increment(); var r = document.createElement('span'); var y = document.createElement("INPUT"); y.setAttribute("type", "text"); y.setAttribute("placeholder", "Description"); var g = document.createElement("IMG"); g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png"); g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('" + containerId + "')"); y.setAttribute("Name", "description_" + i); r.appendChild(y); r.appendChild(g); container.appendChild(r); increment(); var r = document.createElement('span'); var y = document.createElement("INPUT"); y.setAttribute("type", "text"); y.setAttribute("placeholder", "Price ie; £15.00"); var g = document.createElement("IMG"); g.setAttribute("src", "img/delete.png"); g.setAttribute("onclick", "removeElement('" + containerId + "')"); y.setAttribute("Name", "price_" + i); r.appendChild(y); r.appendChild(g); container.appendChild(r); increment(); // Append container to form document.getElementById("myForm").appendChild(container); } //Functions that will be called upon, when user click on the Reset Button. function resetElements() { document.getElementById('myForm').innerHTML = ''; } 
 <div id="myForm" class="col-md-12" style="margin-top:20px; padding-left:30px;"> <button type="button" onclick="nameFunction()" class="btn btn-info"> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add another Item </button> </div> 

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