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[英]How to escape slashes in command line argument (file path) in Java?

Please note I'm developing this using NetBeans under Windows. 请注意,我正在Windows下使用NetBeans进行开发。 I'm also running JDK 1.8. 我也在运行JDK 1.8。

The program takes a few arguments, via the command-line. 该程序通过命令行使用一些参数。 One argument is a file path. 一个参数是文件路径。 The user might type -i C:\\test . 用户可以输入-i C:\\test How do I escape the slash? 我如何逃脱斜线? Nothing seems to work right. 似乎没有任何工作正常。

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, ParseException {
        // Simulate command line execution
        String[] arguments = new String[] { "-i C:\test" };

        // Create Options object
        Options options = new Options();

        // Add options input directory path.
        options.addOption("i", "input", true, "Specify the input directory path");

        // Create the parser
        CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();

        // Parse the command line
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, arguments);

        String inputDirectory = cmd.getOptionValue("i");
        String escaped;

        // Gives error of "invalid regular expression: Unexpected internal error
        escaped = inputDirectory.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");

        // This does not work
        File file = new File (escaped);
        Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(file, null, false);

        // This works
        File file2 = new File ("C:\\test");
        Collection<File> files2 = FileUtils.listFiles(file2, null, false);

I tried replaceAll but, like it says in the code, it does not compile and it returns an invalid regular expression error. 我尝试了replaceAll,但是,就像它在代码中所说的那样,它无法编译并且返回无效的正则表达式错误。

I know best practice is to use File.separator, but I honestly have no clue how I can apply it to a command line argument. 我知道最佳实践是使用File.separator,但老实说,我不知道如何将其应用于命令行参数。 Maybe the user might type a relative path. 也许用户可以输入相对路径。 The file path the user references could be on any drive, as well. 用户引用的文件路径也可以在任何驱动器上。

How do I escape the backslashes so that I can loop through each file with FileUtils? 如何转义反斜杠,以便可以使用FileUtils遍历每个文件?

Thank you very much for any help. 非常感谢您的帮助。

Change your replacement 更换您的替代品

escaped = inputDirectory.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");


escaped = inputDirectory.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"));

Since you are mimicking the argument within your program, take in account that 由于您在程序中模仿参数,因此请考虑到

 "-i C:\test"

Will actually be a tab (ie \\t) in between C: and est 实际上将是C:est之间的tab (即\\ t)

the correct way would've been: 正确的方法是:

 "-i C:\\test"

but I honestly have no clue how I can apply it to a command line argument. 但老实说,我不知道如何将其应用于命令行参数。

If your problem is how to pass command line arguments, You may either use java command in windows command prompt as follows. 如果您的问题是如何传递命令行参数,则可以在Windows命令提示符下使用java命令,如下所示。

cmd> java Test C:\test1

Or if you want to pass arguments in netbeans under project properties -> run and then add each parameters in arguments field as shown below. 或者,如果您想在项目属性下的netbeans中传递参数,请运行,然后在参数字段中添加每个参数,如下所示。


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