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[英]How to mock some methods only throw exception for the first time and then do nothing, with specs2?

In specs2, we can mock a method and let it throw exception: 在specs2中,我们可以模拟方法并让其引发异常:

class Hello {
   def say():Unit = println("Hello, world")

val hello = mock[Hello]
hello.say() throws new RuntimeException("something wrong")

But how to make it just throw the first time, and then always do nothing? 但是,如何使其仅在第一次抛出后始终什么也不做呢?

This is actually a mockito question, not a specs2 one. 这实际上是一个模拟问题,而不是specs2问题。 From the mockito documentation: 从模拟文档:

when(mock.someMethod("some arg"))
   .thenThrow(new RuntimeException())

Alternative, shorter version of consecutive stubbing: 可选的,较短版本的连续存根:

 when(mock.someMethod("some arg"))
   .thenReturn("one", "two", "three");
doThrow(new RuntimeException("something wrong")).doNothing().when(hello).say()

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