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手表套件 CFBundleVersion

[英]Watch kit CFBundleVersion

Planning for watch kit integration规划手表套件集成

error: The value of CFBundleVersion in your WatchKit app's Info.plist (1) does not match the value in your companion app's Info.plist (2.0).错误:WatchKit 应用的 Info.plist (1) 中 CFBundleVersion 的值与配套应用的 Info.plist (2.0) 中的值不匹配。 These values are required to match.这些值需要匹配。

Struck with above error.遇到上述错误。
- changed the deployment targets of both notification & watchkit app. - 更改了通知和 watchkit 应用程序的部署目标。 But build failed但是构建失败


您需要确保WatchKit App的 Info.plist 中的CFBundleVersionparent app's Info.plist 中的CFBundleVersion相同。

For those of you who struggling with adapting your build autonumbering scripts (like this one ) to WatchKit and getting the same dreaded The value of CFBundleVersion in your WatchKit app's Info.plist ... does not match the value in your companion app's Info.plist ... error, here is the solution: set Strip Debug Symbols During Copy to No for the project, remove same option overrides for all targets, make clean (Cmd+Shift+K) and build (Cmd+B). 对于那些努力将构建自动编号脚本(例如这个)适应 WatchKit 并获得同样可怕The value of CFBundleVersion in your WatchKit app's Info.plist ... does not match the value in your companion app's Info.plist ...错误, 这是解决方案:将项目的 Strip Debug Symbols During Copy设置为 ,删除所有目标的相同选项覆盖,清理 (Cmd+Shift+K) 并构建 (Cmd+B)。

Disclaimer: this is more hack than a solution, I don't know why it works, but it's the only way I got my autonumbering script working with WatchKit and I think this information would be useful for someone. 免责声明:这比解决方案更hack,我不知道它为什么起作用,但这是我让我的自动编号脚本与WatchKit一起工作的唯一方法,我认为这些信息对某人有用。 If you have better ideas, please share. 如果你有更好的想法,请分享。

Update: finally found a real solution .更新:终于找到了真正的解决方案 Turns out even without UI one could easily add a run script to WatchKit App target by manually editing project.pbxproj .事实证明,即使没有 UI,也可以通过手动编辑project.pbxproj轻松地将运行脚本添加到 WatchKit App 目标。 Thank you, Curtis Herbert!谢谢你,柯蒂斯赫伯特!

error: The value of CFBundleVersion in your WatchKit app's Info.plist (14) does not match the value in your companion app's Info.plist (13).错误:WatchKit 应用的 Info.plist (14) 中 CFBundleVersion 的值与配套应用的 Info.plist (13) 中的值不匹配。 These values are required to match.这些值需要匹配。

I finally figured out the problem is the value of my companion app 's Info.plist which equals to 13 , is not equal to that value in WatchKit App.我终于发现问题是我的伴侣应用程序Info.plist的值等于13 ,不等于 WatchKit 应用程序中的值。

So you have to make sure that the Bundle version panel 's value in each Info.plist is matched.所以你必须确保每个Info.plist中的Bundle version panel 的值是匹配的。


After installing WatchKit application extension.There was conflict in安装 WatchKit 应用程序扩展后。有冲突

Bundle versions string, short && Bundle version .捆绑版本字符串,短 && 捆绑版本

So Update both of Keys to values which are equals in both the Extension and main app targets in info.plist file .因此,将两个Key更新为在info.plist文件中的 Extension 和 main app 目标中都相等的值。




CFBundleVersionInfo.plistWatchKit App应该是相同的CFBundleVersion应用程序的Info.plist

When ever you get such problems after updating build number or version.当您在更新内部版本号或版本后遇到此类问题时。 Please follow the steps, which worked for me :请按照对我有用的步骤操作:

  1. Clean the project清理项目
  2. Try to run the project in any one of the simulators尝试在任何一个模拟器中运行该项目
  3. Build or Archive构建或存档

welcome to the party.欢迎来到派对。 I was able to work through this by editing the Info.plist ion both Watchkit App and Watchkit Extension, and then editing the marketing version in the AppName(root level)/Targets/AppName/Versioning/Marketing Version.我可以通过编辑 Watchkit App 和 Watchkit Extension 的 Info.plist 来解决这个问题,然后在 AppName(root level)/Targets/AppName/Versioning/Marketing Version 中编辑营销版本。

Hope this helps anyone else that comes across this issue.希望这可以帮助遇到此问题的其他人。

当我在为 ios 应用程序创建手表应用程序时创建具有默认选择的不同团队的新目标手表套件时出现此错误,因此我只是删除了目标并再次添加与我的项目相同的团队。

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