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手表套件的语音指示(Apple Watch)

[英]voice dictation for watch kit (Apple Watch)

The present method am using for voice dictation is little hectic. 用于语音命令的本方法很少忙碌。 The method used is “ presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions ”. 使用的方法是“ presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions ”。 It follows series of steps for single voice input " VoiceInputButton -> SpeakButton -> VoiceInputFromUser -> DoneButton ". 它遵循针对单个语音输入的一系列步骤“ VoiceInputButton -> SpeakButton -> VoiceInputFromUser -> DoneButton ”。 I think above procedure consumes more time for single input where it lacks fastness. 我认为上述过程在缺乏牢靠性的情况下,单次输入会消耗更多时间。 Please help me if there are some other alternatives to fasten (VoiceInputButton -> VoiceInputFromUser) the voice input? 如果还有其他方法可以固定语音输入(VoiceInputButton -> VoiceInputFromUser) ,请帮助我。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。


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