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[英]Is it possible to mount a webdav share on windows as something other than FAT?

I have an apache server running on Linux. 我有一个在Linux上运行的apache服务器。 I have the dav module enabled. 我启用了dav模块。 When I am on my windows computer, I mount it as a network drive. 当我在Windows计算机上时,我将其安装为网络驱动器。 However, it shows the filesystem as FAT. 但是,它将文件系统显示为FAT。 Is there a way to change that to either NTFS or something else that will display the disk size correctly and speed up the file transfers? 是否可以将其更改为NTFS或其他可以正确显示磁盘大小并加快文件传输速度的方法?

If windows shows the filesystem as FAT , it simply means that there's a bug in Windows. 如果Windows将文件系统显示为FAT ,则仅表示Windows中存在错误。 When windows talks to the webdav server, it's neither FAT nor NTFS. 当Windows与webdav服务器对话时,它既不是FAT也不是NTFS。 It's talking 'WebDAV', and the underlying storage mechanism is hidden and irrelevant. 它说的是“ WebDAV”,其底层存储机制是隐藏的且无关紧要的。

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