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Qt QML ListView可见

[英]Qt QML ListView visible

I've found the following code in a QML example. 我在QML示例中找到了以下代码。 I have a question about sections: is there a way to hide all the elements belonging to a section when the user clicks on the section header? 我对部分有疑问:当用户点击部分标题时,有没有办法隐藏属于某个部分的所有元素? For example, is it possible to hide "Ant" and "Flea" when the user clicks the "Tiny" header? 例如,当用户点击“Tiny”标题时,是否可以隐藏“Ant”和“Flea”?

Here is the code: 这是代码:

Rectangle {
    id: container
    width: 300
    height: 360

    ListModel {
        id: animalsModel
        ListElement { name: "Ant"; size: "Tiny" }
        ListElement { name: "Flea"; size: "Tiny" }
        ListElement { name: "Parrot"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Guinea pig"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Rat"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Butterfly"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Dog"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Cat"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Pony"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Koala"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Horse"; size: "Large" }
        ListElement { name: "Tiger"; size: "Large" }
        ListElement { name: "Giraffe"; size: "Large" }
        ListElement { name: "Elephant"; size: "Huge" }
        ListElement { name: "Whale"; size: "Huge" }

    // The delegate for each section header
    Component {
        id: sectionHeading
        Rectangle {
            id: sectionHeadingRectangle
            width: container.width
            height: childrenRect.height
            color: "lightsteelblue"

            Text {
                text: section
                font.bold: true
                font.pixelSize: 20;

    Component {
        id: section
        Rectangle {
            width: container.width
            height: mainText.height

            Text { id: mainText; text: name; font.pixelSize: 18 }

    ListView {
        id: view
        anchors.fill: parent
        // width: parent.width
        model: animalsModel
        delegate: section

        section.property: "size"
        section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
        section.delegate: sectionHeading

It is possible to do this by sending a custom signal when a section is clicked and having all delegates connect to this signal and check if the section clicked correspond to theirs, and hide accordingly : 可以通过在单击某个部分时发送自定义信号并让所有代理连接到此信号并检查所单击的部分是否与他们相对应来执行此操作,并相应地隐藏:

Rectangle {
    id: container
    width: 300
    height: 360

    ListModel {
        id: animalsModel
        ListElement { name: "Ant"; size: "Tiny" }
        ListElement { name: "Flea"; size: "Tiny" }
        ListElement { name: "Parrot"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Guinea pig"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Rat"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Butterfly"; size: "Small" }
        ListElement { name: "Dog"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Cat"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Pony"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Koala"; size: "Medium" }
        ListElement { name: "Horse"; size: "Large" }
        ListElement { name: "Tiger"; size: "Large" }
        ListElement { name: "Giraffe"; size: "Large" }
        ListElement { name: "Elephant"; size: "Huge" }
        ListElement { name: "Whale"; size: "Huge" }

    // The delegate for each section header
    Component {
        id: sectionHeading
        Rectangle {
            id: sectionHeadingRectangle
            width: container.width
            height: childrenRect.height
            color: "lightsteelblue"

            Text {
                text: section
                font.bold: true
                font.pixelSize: 20;
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onClicked: view.sectionClicked(section)

    Component {
        id: section
        Rectangle {
            id: rect
            width: container.width
            height: shown ? mainText.height : 0
            visible: shown
            property bool shown: true

            Text { id: mainText; text: name; font.pixelSize: 18 }
            Connections {
                target: rect.ListView.view
                onSectionClicked: if (rect.ListView.section === name) shown = !shown;

    ListView {
        id: view
        anchors.fill: parent
        // width: parent.width
        signal sectionClicked(string name)
        model: animalsModel
        delegate: section
        section.property: "size"
        section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
        section.delegate: sectionHeading

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