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[英]Lipo in not creating for arm64, armv7

I'm using the LAME MP3 encoder to convert the caf formatted file to MP3 format. 我正在使用LAME MP3编码器将caf格式的文件转换为MP3格式。 I downloaded LAME and compile and build all architecture like arm64, armv7, armv7s, armv6, i386, i686, x86_64 successfully. 我下载了LAME并成功编译并构建了所有架构,例如arm64,armv7,armv7s,armv6,i386,i686,x86_64。 I followed this link to create the libraries. 我按照此链接创建了库。

But I'm trying to create lipo for armv7, arm64, x86_64 which support to my project. 但是我正在尝试为支持我的项目的armv7,arm64,x86_64创建lipo。 But I'm getting fatal error. 但是我遇到了致命错误。

Here is the error that I'm getting. 这是我遇到的错误。

fatal error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lipo: build/libmp3lame-arm64.a and build/libmp3lame-armv7.a have the same architectures (x86_64) and can't be in the same fat output file. 致命错误:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lipo:build / libmp3lame-arm64.a和build / libmp3lame-armv7.a具有相同的体系结构(x86_64),并且可以不在同一个胖输出文件中。

I tried the all combination which two architectures can create fat file, except single only creating. 我尝试了两种架构可以创建胖文件的所有组合,只有单个创建除外。 I need it for ios 8.1 and above (please mention which architectures should I put in the fat file for iPhone 4s and above) 对于iOS 8.1及更高版本,我需要它(请提及我应该在iPhone 4s及更高版本的胖文件中放入哪种体系结构)

It looks like something went wrong with your build: libmp3lame-arm64.a , libmp3lame-armv7.a should have been device builds but they seem to have come out as simulator builds. 您的构建似乎出了点问题: libmp3lame-arm64.alibmp3lame-armv7.a应该是设备构建,但它们似乎是在模拟器构建时出现的。

You can confirm this by running file on them: 您可以通过在它们上运行file来确认这一点:

file build/libmp3lame-arm64.a build/libmp3lame-armv7.a

I don't know why it happened, nor which of many answers you used in the question you linked to. 我不知道为什么会这样,也不知道您在链接到的问题中使用了哪些答案。

Can you give more information on how you configured and built lame? 您能否提供有关如何配置和构建la脚的更多信息?

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