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PERL Dancer2,CGI调度程序和uri_for助手

[英]PERL Dancer2, cgi dispatcher and uri_for helper

I have a web interface that i need to maintain and improve, written in a plain old CGI.pm way. 我有一个需要维护和改进的Web界面,它以普通的旧CGI.pm方式编写。 That app is not using templating system neither. 该应用程序也没有使用模板系统。 It's served by apache, like that: 它由apache服务,就像这样:


To add new pages to that app, and make my life easyer, i want to host a Dancer or Dancer2 app next to it, i was thinking about something like that: 为了向该应用程序添加新页面,并使我的生活更轻松,我想在它旁边托管一个Dancer或Dancer2应用程序,我在想这样的事情:

                    /cgi-bin/dispatch.cgi (the one from Dancer2)

In the dispatcher, i'm changing the path to reach the Dancer2 bin/app.psgi. 在调度程序中,我正在更改到达Dancer2 bin / app.psgi的路径。 I added the following .htaccess file to the htdocs dir: 我将以下.htaccess文件添加到htdocs目录中:

# BEGIN dancer application htaccess
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteBase /v2
  RewriteRule ^/v2$ /cgi-bin/dispatch.cgi [L]
  RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteRule v2/(.*) /cgi-bin/dispatch.cgi/$1 [L]
# END dancer application htaccess

By doing that, 通过这样做,

  • accesssing to example.com/cgi-bin/app.cgi show me the old app as expected 访问example.com/cgi-bin/app.cgi可以按预期向我显示旧应用
  • accesssing to example.com/v2 show me the dancer app home page, default one, without css, which is expected as i moved the public dir, and some other modification 访问example.com/v2,向我展示了Dancer应用程序的主页,默认页面为默认页面,不带CSS,这是我移动公共目录时所期望的,以及其他一些修改

Now that you have the setup, here is where i have an issue, the redirection from v2 to the dancer app is working really well, however, in order to keep consistent, i would like to have the uri_for creating url from v2 , but it's using the SCRIPT_NAME as base url, to show the issue, when i'm creating that url: uri_for('/mypage'), 现在您已经设置好了,这是我遇到的问题,从v2到舞者应用程序的重定向确实运行良好,但是,为了保持一致,我希望uri_for从v2创建url,但是当我创建URL时,使用SCRIPT_NAME作为基本URL来显示问题:uri_for('/ mypage'),

  • i would like to have that url : example.com/v2/mypage, 我想拥有该网址:example.com/v2/mypage,

  • but instead i have url example.com/cgi-bin/dispatch.cgi/mypage 但是我有URL example.com/cgi-bin/dispatch.cgi/mypage

SCRIPT_NAME environment variable is containing cgi-bin/dispatch.cgi , i have one terrible hack, that is working, but clearly not the solution, i can have my expected behavior by forcing SCRIPT_NAME to /v2 in the cgi dispatcher, in a BEGIN block. SCRIPT_NAME环境变量包含cgi-bin / dispatch.cgi,我遇到了一个可怕的问题,这是可行的,但显然不是解决方案,我可以通过在BEGIN块中在cgi调度程序中将SCRIPT_NAME强制为/ v2来达到预期的行为。 If someone as a clean solution for that, that would be of a great help! 如果有人将其作为一个干净的解决方案,那将有很大的帮助!

Thanks 谢谢

Have the same problem with D1. D1也有同样的问题。


inside dispatch.fcgi helps me. 在dispatch.fcgi内部可以帮助我。

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