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Xcode / ItunesConnect:是否可以删除监视工具包目标并将其添加回来或不提交watchkit App?

[英]Xcode / ItunesConnect: Is it possible to remove watch kit target and add it back or not submit the watchkit App?

I have a watchkit target in my project. 我的项目中有一个watchkit目标。 The problem I am facing is I don't need the watchkit target to be uploaded right now. 我面临的问题是我现在不需要上传watchkit目标。 I still want to keep the code however and don't want to delete all the files. 我仍然想保留代码,但不想删除所有文件。 Is there a way I can submit the App without the watch kit extension App? 有没有办法可以在没有手表套件扩展App的情况下提交应用程序? I thought about deleting the targets (not the files), but I don't know what is the best course of action in this situation. 我想删除目标(而不是文件),但我不知道在这种情况下什么是最好的行动方案。 Can I tell itunesconnect not to include the watchkit App? 我可以告诉itunesconnect不要包含watchkit App吗?


To expand upon the answer from Tiago, remove the Watchkit Extension from "Embedded Binaries" and "Target Dependencies." 要扩展Tiago的答案,请从“嵌入式二进制文件”和“目标依赖项”中删除Watchkit扩展。

See Prevent deploying (disable) WatchKit App with iOS iPhone App in Xcode . 请参阅在Xcode中阻止使用iOS iPhone App部署(禁用)WatchKit App

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