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[英]Payments in WP8 app

I am currently making a windows phone 8 silverlight app. 我目前正在制作Windows phone 8 silverlight应用程序。 In the app we would like to allow the user to pay through paypal or another way of paying. 在应用程序中,我们希望允许用户通过paypal或其他付款方式付款。 I also looked up the in app payments from the dev center, but did not manage to see a payment with variable values there. 我还查看了开发中心的应用内付款,但没有设法看到带有变量值的付款。

Any help on what to use or examples about how to do this would be greatly appreciated. 任何有关如何使用的帮助或有关如何执行此操作的示例将不胜感激。

Update: according to the policy of the windows phone store you are not alowed to use paypal for example and can nly use Windows Phone in app payments. 更新:根据Windows手机商店的政策,您不会使用PayPal,例如,可以在应用程序付款中使用Windows Phone。

This example from visualstudiomagazine should work: http://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2013/07/01/in-app-purchasing-for-windows-phone-8.aspx 来自visualstudiomagazine的这个例子应该可以工作: http ://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2013/07/01/in-app-purchasing-for-windows-phone-8.aspx

They explained it very good AND uses the legal way with the Windows Phone SDK 8.0. 他们解释得非常好并且使用Windows Phone SDK 8.0的合法方式。


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