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[英]Pandas Pivot Table Subsetting

My pivot table looks like this: 我的数据透视表如下所示:

Symbol     DIA   QQQ        SPY   XLE   DIA   QQQ        SPY   XLE  DIA  QQQ  \
          Open  Open       Open  Open  High  High       High  High  Low  Low   
19930129   NaN   NaN  29.083294   NaN   NaN   NaN  29.083294   NaN  NaN  NaN   
19930201   NaN   NaN  29.083294   NaN   NaN   NaN  29.269328   NaN  NaN  NaN   
19930202   NaN   NaN  29.248658   NaN   NaN   NaN  29.352010   NaN  NaN  NaN   
19930203   NaN   NaN  29.372680   NaN   NaN   NaN  29.662066   NaN  NaN  NaN   
19930204   NaN   NaN  29.744748   NaN   NaN   NaN  29.827430   NaN  NaN  NaN   

Symbol          SPY  XLE    DIA    QQQ        SPY    XLE           DIA  \
                Low  Low  Close  Close      Close  Close  Total Volume   
19930129  28.938601  NaN    NaN    NaN  29.062624    NaN           NaN   
19930201  29.083294  NaN    NaN    NaN  29.269328    NaN           NaN   
19930202  29.186647  NaN    NaN    NaN  29.331340    NaN           NaN   
19930203  29.352010  NaN    NaN    NaN  29.641396    NaN           NaN   
19930204  29.414021  NaN    NaN    NaN  29.765419    NaN           NaN   

Symbol             QQQ           SPY           XLE  
          Total Volume  Total Volume  Total Volume  
19930129           NaN         15167           NaN  
19930201           NaN          7264           NaN  
19930202           NaN          3043           NaN  
19930203           NaN          8004           NaN  
19930204           NaN          8035           NaN 

How does one go about subsetting for a particular day and for a particular column value, say Closing prices for all symbols? 如何对特定的一天和特定的列值进行子集设置,例如关闭所有交易品种的价格?

19930129 NaN NaN 29.062624 NaN

i tried pt['Close'] , but it didn't seem to work. 我尝试了pt['Close'] ,但似乎没有用。 Only pt['SPY'] gives me the whole table values for symbol SPY. 只有pt['SPY']给出了符号SPY的整个表值。

You could use pd.IndexSlice : 您可以使用pd.IndexSlice

pt = pt.sortlevel(axis=1)
pt.loc['19930129', pd.IndexSlice[:,'Close']]

Using IndexSlicer requires the selection axes are fully lexsorted, hence the call to sortlevel . 使用IndexSlicer需要对选择轴进行完全lexsorted,因此要调用sortlevel

Alternatively, slice(None) could also be used to select everything from the first column index level: 另外, slice(None)也可以用于从第一列索引级别选择所有内容:

pt = pt.sortlevel(axis=1)
pt.loc['19930129', (slice(None), 'Close')]

To select the ith row, but select the columns by label, you could use 要选择第ith行,但按标签选择列,则可以使用

pt.loc[pt.index[i], (slice(None), 'Close')]

Or, you could use pt.ix as Andy Hayden suggests, but be aware that if pt has an integer-valued index, then pt.ix performs label-based row indexing, not ordinal indexing. 或者,您可以按照Andy Hayden的建议使用pt.ix ,但要注意,如果pt具有整数索引,则pt.ix执行基于标签的行索引,而不是顺序索引。

So as long as 19930129 (and the other index values) are not integers -- ie pt.index is not a Int64Index -- you could use 因此,只要19930129 (和其他索引值)不是整数-即pt.index不是Int64Index您可以使用

pt.ix[i, (slice(None), 'Close')]

Note that chained indexing , such as 请注意, 链式索引 ,例如

pt.iloc[i].loc[(slice(None), 'Close')]

should be avoided when performing assignments, since assignment with chained indexing may fail to modify pt . 执行分配时应避免使用,因为具有链接索引的分配可能无法修改pt

An alternative is to use xs , "cross-section": 一种替代方法是使用xs ,“横截面”:

In [21]: df.xs(axis=1, level=1, key="Open")
Symbol    DIA  QQQ        SPY  XLE
19930129  NaN  NaN  29.083294  NaN
19930201  NaN  NaN  29.083294  NaN
19930202  NaN  NaN  29.248658  NaN
19930203  NaN  NaN  29.372680  NaN
19930204  NaN  NaN  29.744748  NaN

In [22]: df.xs(axis=1, level=1, key="Open").loc[19930129]
DIA          NaN
QQQ          NaN
SPY    29.083294
XLE          NaN
Name: 19930129, dtype: float64

This is somewhat less powerful that unutbu's answer (using IndexSlice). 这没有unutbu的答案强大(使用IndexSlice)。

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