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[英]Is node.js better behind a reverse proxy for sending json?

I have to make a web service who can handle many R&W requests (up to 50/seconds) and I think have a static server (Who host Angular.js App, and heavy resources like video and image) 我必须制作一个可以处理许多R&W请求(最多50个/秒)的Web服务,而且我认为有一台静态服务器(托管Angular.js应用程序以及大量资源(如视频和图像))

Is it a good idea to have my node.js server behind a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache? 将我的node.js服务器放在Nginx或Apache之类的反向代理后面是个好主意吗? The goal is to reduce the load of the node.js server. 目标是减少node.js服务器的负载。

And what communication method must I use between the reverse proxy and node.js? 反向代理和node.js之间必须使用哪种通信方法? HTTP? HTTP? CGI? CGI? Other? 其他?

And what is the best reverse proxy in this case? 在这种情况下,最好的反向代理是什么? Nginx? Nginx? Apache? 阿帕奇?


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