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[英]Matlab how to 'sort' the elements of an entire cell array and access the largest values

So I am aware that using the sort(array, 'descend') function in Matlab will sort an array into descending order, with the return result being [values, indices]. 因此,我知道在Matlab中使用sort(array,'descend')函数会将数组按降序排序,返回结果为[值,索引]。

I need to get the largest values from an entire cell array, edit them, then place them back into their original places. 我需要从整个单元格数组中获取最大值 ,对其进行编辑,然后将其放回原始位置。

For example: 例如:

%dst is a 1x5 cell
%d1-d5 are all 512x512x16 double 

I can use [d1SortedValues, d1SortedIndices] = sort(d1(:),'descend'); 我可以使用[d1SortedValues, d1SortedIndices] = sort(d1(:),'descend'); to get the sorted array and indices for each double cell array d1-d5 BUT I need to do something equivalent to [dstSortedValues, dstSortedIndices] = sort(dst(:),'descend'); 要获取每个双单元格数组d1-d5的排序数组和索引,但我需要做一些等效于[dstSortedValues, dstSortedIndices] = sort(dst(:),'descend'); so that I can access the highest magnitude elements. 这样我就可以访问最大幅度的元素。

ie for each double array I can do the following to access the highest value in d1. 即对于每个双精度数组,我可以执行以下操作以访问d1中的最大值。

d1(d1SortedIndices(1)) = d1(d1SortedIndices(1)) + value;

How to get the highest values in the entire 1x5 cell? 如何获得整个1x5单元中的最大值?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Edit based on new information you put in comments: 根据您在评论中添加的新信息进行编辑:

If you want to find the position of N largest values and replace or modify them, the ind2sub function can help you greatly. 如果要查找N最大值的位置并替换或修改它们, ind2sub函数可以为您提供很大帮助。 Basically: 基本上:

  • put all your values (of all the cells) in a linear vector. 将所有单元格的所有值放入线性向量中。
  • sort the vector and get the indices you want (the N max elements) 排序向量并获取所需的索引( N最大元素)
  • convert the indices find above into their actual "in cell/in array" position 将上面找到的索引转换为其实际的“单元格/数组中”位置
  • Modify the value in place 修改到位的值

It looks like that: 看起来像这样:

nMaxVal2find = 30 ; %// how many largest element N to locate/modify

fullArrayC = cellfun(@(a) a(:), dst , 'uni',0) ; %// cell array of linearised vectors
fullArray = cat(1, fullArrayC{:} ) ;             %// linear array of all the values
[sVals,sInds] = sort(fullArray,'descend') ;      %// sort the full array

%// Keep only N largest values
Val2keep = sVals(1:nMaxVal2find) ;
ind2keep = sInds(1:nMaxVal2find) ;

%// find all the "in cell" position of the N largest elements
[ii,jj,kk,icell] = ind2sub( [size(dst{1}) numel(dst)] , ind2keep ) ;

%// loose loop to replace elements / can be improved
for idx=1:numel(icell)
%//     dst{ic(iCell)}(ii(iCell),jj(iCell),kk(iCell)) = dst{ic(iCell)}(ii(iCell),jj(iCell),kk(iCell)) * 10 ;
    dst{icell(idx)}(ii(idx),jj(idx),kk(idx)) = Val2keep(idx) * 10 ;

If you want to find the highest value ( meaning you are sure to have only one largest value ) of your whole cell array, you can directly get the index with max . 如果要查找整个单元格数组的最大值意味着您肯定只有一个最大值 ),则可以直接使用max获得索引。

To use that on a cell array you can use cellfun . 要在单元阵列上使用它,可以使用cellfun Once located, you can modify the value directly in place (instead of having to reorder your arrays twice). 找到后,您可以直接在适当位置修改值(而不必两次重新排列数组)。

%// find the maximums of each cell, and their linear index
[maxVals,maxInds] = cellfun( @(a) max(a(:)) , dst(:) , 'uni',0) ;

%// find the absolute maximum and in which cell it was
[maxV,maxCellInd] = max( cell2mat(maxVals) ) ;

%// return the (i,j,k) style index of the maximum value
[ii,jj,kk] = ind2sub( size(dst{maxCellInd}), maxInds{maxCellInd} ) ;

%// modify the value in place
dst{maxCellInd}(ii,jj,kk) = dst{maxCellInd}(ii,jj,kk) * 10 ; %// the value times 10

Notes: 笔记:

  • in case there are multiple elements at the same maximum level, max will only return the index of the first element. 如果在同一最大级别上有多个元素,则max将仅返回第一个元素的索引。
  • If you really need/want to use sort , you can also use that with cellfun on the whole cell array. 如果您确实需要/想要使用sort ,也可以在整个单元阵列cellfun它与cellfun一起使用。

Last note: I used that code to generate sample data: 最后说明:我使用该代码生成示例数据:

for ic=1:5
    dst{ic} = rand(5,5,3) ;

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