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[英]Drupal Content Types in Liferay

What is the equivalent concept of drupal content type in liferay. Liferay中drupal内容类型的等效概念是什么?

I want to migrate some drupal content types in my Liferay site 我想在Liferay网站中迁移一些drupal内容类型

I can't help you on the Drupal side, but Liferay has many different kinds of content: Web Content (the CMS), Blog Entries, Message Board Articles, Documents (and images or other media) and many more. 在Drupal方面,我无能为力,但是Liferay有很多不同类型的内容:Web内容(CMS),博客条目,留言板文章,文档(以及图像或其他媒体)等等。 Depending on the data you want to import, you're dealing with any of them. 根据要导入的数据,您正在处理其中的任何一个。 All of these content types can be summarized as Assets, but when you import them to the portal, you'll have to decide for a particular content type. 所有这些内容类型都可以归纳为资产,但是当您将它们导入门户网站时,必须确定特定的内容类型。

Further, Liferay's content is totally decoupled from the pages that it's shown on. 此外,Liferay的内容与显示的页面完全脱钩。 It gets imported into one (of many possible) sites and can be used from there through many different portlets that can be placed on pages (eg "Web Content Display", "Asset Publisher"). 它被导入到一个(许多可能的)站点中,并且可以通过可放置在页面上的许多不同的Portlet从那里使用(例如,“ Web Content Display”,“ Asset Publisher”)。

Note that you should import the content through Liferay's API - don't write directly to Liferay's database. 请注意,您应该通过Liferay的API导入内容- 不要直接写入Liferay的数据库。

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