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将Drupal 6内容类型导入Drupal 7

[英]Import Drupal 6 content types into Drupal 7

What happened to /admin/content/types/import in D7? D7中的/admin/content/types/import发生了什么? Can you still import a content type (not the actual data) in D7? 您是否仍可以在D7中导入内容类型(而不是实际数据)? In D6 you could at /admin/content/types/import. 在D6中,您可以在/ admin / content / types / import中。 Has this feature just moved somewhere else? 此功能是否刚刚移到其他地方?

I want to export some nodes from a D6 site to D7 (not the entire site) with drupal.org/project/node_export . 我想使用drupal.org/project/node_export将一些节点从D6站点导出到D7(而不是整个站点)。 However the content type does not exist on my new D7 site. 但是,内容类型在我的新D7网站上不存在。

In general, what is the best way to upgrade some CCK data from a D6 site to D7 without doing a full upgrade (they are different sites). 通常,在不进行完全升级的情况下将某些CCK数据从D6站点升级到D7的最佳方法是什么(它们是不同的站点)。

Thanks. 谢谢。

While the ability to define new fields is in built in Drupal 7's admin UI, a number of D6 features still remain in the contrib 'CCK' project, including code to upgrade old fields from contrib modules to the D7 field structure. 虽然在Drupal 7的管理UI中内置了定义新字段的功能,但是contrib“ CCK”项目中仍然保留了许多D6功能,包括将旧字段从contrib模块升级到D7字段结构的代码。 You'll need to grab the latest version of CCK and use its "content migrate" module, and also keep a close on these three in-progress issues . 您将需要获取最新版本的CCK并使用其“内容迁移”模块,并密切关注这三个 正在进行的 问题 The field migration code for many D6 field types isn't completed, and before flipping the switch on a production site you'll want to make sure that the upgrade path works smoothly. 许多D6字段类型的字段迁移代码尚未完成,在转换生产站点上的开关之前,您需要确保升级路径能够顺利进行。

While the full D7 upgrade isn't what you're gunning for, those issues are the ones that will need to be resolved for D6 field structures (what you'd get from something like content_export and content_import) to be pulled into D7 successfully. 尽管您不希望完全D7升级,但是那些问题是将D6字段结构(您将从诸如content_export和content_import之类得到的东西)成功引入D7所需要解决的问题。

(By request, a restored link to the D6 to D7 upgrade flowchart -- the original version from the first post was redone by an actual designer for a D7 Upgrade podcast , and now looks less like a tangle of snakes!) (根据要求, 还原了从D6到D7升级流程图的链接 -实际设计者为D7升级播客重做了第一篇文章的原始版本,现在看起来不像是一团蛇!)

如果要导入内容,可以查看此模块: http : //drupal.org/project/defaultcontent

This seems to be not possible ATM since CCK moved into core. 由于CCK已进入核心,因此这似乎是不可能的ATM。

You might have a read at the Drupal sites that is discussing this and writing a module/workarounds/... 您可能会在Drupal站点上阅读有关该主题的讨论,并正在编写模块/解决方法/ ...

If you use the features module, you can import the content type or other pieces (such as taxonomy, ...). 如果使用功能模块,则可以导入内容类型或其他内容(例如分类法,...)。 I have successfully imported the content types, but now I'm stuck as to how to import the content. 我已经成功导入了内容类型,但是现在我对如何导入内容感到困惑。 Ive been pointed towards feeds and am trying to figure that out. 我已经指出了提要,并正在设法解决。

You can do this using a combination of Features (on D6) and Bundle Copy (on D7). 您可以将功能(在D6上)和捆绑复制(在D7上)结合使用。 I wrote a script that can convert a Features module content types into Bundle Copy's import format. 我编写了一个脚本,可以将功能模块的内容类型转换为Bundle Copy的导入格式。

A more complete set of instructions is here: https://thoughtfuldragon.com/converting-drupal-6-cck-content-types-into-drupal-7-entity-bundles/ 一套更完整的说明在这里: https : //thoughtfuldragon.com/converting-drupal-6-cck-content-types-into-drupal-7-entity-bundles/

Now you can add new content types under Structure -> Content Types 现在,您可以在“结构”->“内容类型”下添加新的内容类型

admin/structure/types 管理员/结构/类型

Though there is no option to "import", you will be able to add them from there. 虽然没有“导入”的选项,但是您可以从那里添加它们。 But I guess you won't have too much content types. 但是我想您不会有太多的内容类型。

Node export maintainer here - I wouldn't even bother trying this. 节点导出维护者在这里-我什至都不会尝试这样做。 I'm really stuck on converting D6 nodes to D7, and how to convert CCK and taxonomy to the D7 Fields, and the lack of content type import makes it even more difficult. 我真的很想将D6节点转换为D7,以及如何将CCK和分类法转换为D7字段,并且缺少内容类型导入使其变得更加困难。 Quite disappointing. 非常令人失望。 If anyone can lend a hand please seek out the node_export issue queue. 如果有人可以伸出援手,请找出node_export发行队列。


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