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[英]Drupal nested / complex / sub content types

I am trying to create multi-user system for CV managing using Drupal. 我正在尝试使用Drupal创建用于CV管理的多用户系统。

The basic idea is: 基本思想是:

  • Each User has his own CV. 每个用户都有自己的简历。
  • Each CV has several predefined sections as Education, Work experience, etc. 每个简历都有几个预定义的部分,例如教育,工作经验等。
  • Each Section consists of unlimited {Dates range - Text} entries. 每个部分均由无限的{日期范围-文字}条目组成。

I've created two new content types - CV and Date_Range_Text but I cannot link them together, eg to make Date_Range_Text a complex/nested content type, used in the CV's sections entries. 我创建了两种新的内容类型-CV和Date_Range_Text,但是无法将它们链接在一起,例如,使Date_Range_Text成为复杂的/嵌套的内容类型,用于CV的小节条目中。

Do you have any ideas? 你有什么想法?

Thanks. 谢谢。

I would use the Field Collection module . 我将使用“ 字段收集”模块

  1. Create a content type called CV. 创建一个称为CV的内容类型。
  2. Add a field_collection field to CV called education and allow unlimited entries. 向CV添加一个名为“教育”的field_collection字段,并允许无限制的条目。
  3. Edit the education field_collection item and add a date field and a text field. 编辑教育field_collection项目,并添加日期字段和文本字段。
  4. Do the same for work experience and any other fields. 对工作经验和任何其他领域也要这样做。

Now when someone creates a new CV they can add unlimited education items, each consisting of a date and some text. 现在,当某人创建新的简历时,他们可以添加无限的教育项目,每个项目都由日期和一些文本组成。

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