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[英]spring-data-neo4j remove nodeEntity and all referenced nodes

I've got a simple graph model: 1 User has N SocialUser . 我有一个简单的图形模型: 1个 UserN个 SocialUser

I'm wondering if there is any way through spring-data-neo4j to automatically delete all SocialUser referenced when I remove an User entity. 我想知道在删除User实体时是否有任何办法可以通过spring-data-neo4j自动删除所有引用的SocialUser

This is what I've got so far: 到目前为止,这是我得到的:

Domain: 域:

public class User implements IdentifiableEntity<String> {

   private Long nodeId;
   // ...

   @RelatedTo(type = "HAS", direction = Direction.OUTGOING)
   Set<SocialUser> socialUsers = new HashSet<>();

public class SocialUser implements BasicNodeEntity {

   private Long nodeId;

   @RelatedTo(type = "HAS", direction = Direction.INCOMING)
   User user;

Data : 资料


What I've tried: 我试过的

In both cases, only User is deleted: 在两种情况下,仅删除User


At the moment I've encapsulated the deletion of both entities in a @Transactional method in the User service. 目前,我已经将两个实体的删除封装在User服务的@Transactional方法中。 Something like this: 像这样:

   Neo4jOperations template;

   public void delete(String userId) throws Exception {
      User user = get(userId);
      if (user == null) throw new ResourceNotFoundException("user not found");
      Set<SocialUser> socialUsers = template.fetch(user.getSocialUsers());
      for (SocialUser socialUser : socialUsers) template.delete(socialUser);

But I'm thinking it's probably not the best way to achieve it. 但是我认为这可能不是实现它的最佳方法。 Also I've thought that it could be better to directly execute a Cypher statement to delete all referenced nodes.. 我也认为直接执行Cypher语句删除所有引用的节点可能会更好。

Anyone can advise me how to deal with this? 有人可以建议我如何处理吗? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。 Thanks! 谢谢!

I know it's been a while, but after being a time working with SDN and neo4j , it seems to be that the best way to accomplish this is using a Cypher query. 我知道已经有一段时间了,但是经过一段时间使用SDNneo4j ,似乎最好的方法是使用Cypher查询。

MATCH (user:User{id:'userId'})-[has:HAS]->(socialUser:SocialUser)
DELETE user, has, socialUser

With SDN, we can take advantadge of repositores: 借助SDN,我们可以利用存储库的优势:

public interface UserRepository extends Neo4jRepository<User> {

    @Query("MATCH (user:User{id:{id}})-[has:HAS]->(socialUser:SocialUser) DELETE user, has, socialUser")
    void delete(String id);

Hope it helps other people 希望对别人有帮助

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