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[英]Java - How to check if an object is an instance of a class in the class definition

Code: 码:

public class Composite extends Component implements Iterable<Component>{

    private List<Component> caseComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();

    public Iterator<Component> iterator(){
        return new CompIterator();

    private class CompIterator implements Iterator{
        int index = 0;

        public boolean hasNext(){
                return true;
            return false;

        public Object next() {
                return caseComponents.get(index++);
            return null;

    public String breadthFirst() {
        Queue<Component> q = new LinkedList<Component>();
        StringBuilder stringRep = new StringBuilder();

            Component first = q.remove();

            for(Component c : first.caseComponents){

I'm trying to do a breadth first print of a tree of the Composite design pattern. 我正在尝试对Composite设计模式的树进行广度优先打印。 I have declared a method that is supposed to be called by the "root" of the tree. 我已经声明了应该由树的“根”调用的方法。 In the tree, there will be objects of the classes Composite and Leaf . 在树中,将存在类CompositeLeaf对象。 These both inherit from Component , but are of course different. 这些都继承自Component ,但是当然有所不同。 Composite is a container objects as well as an object itself, while Leaf is just one object. Composite是容器对象以及对象本身,而Leaf只是一个对象。 I want to change my code so that the line for(Component c : first.caseComponents) is only executed if first is an instance of Composite , otherwise it would try to iterate over a Leaf which is not possible. 我想更改代码,以便仅当firstComposite的实例时才执行for(Component c : first.caseComponents)行,否则它将尝试遍历Leaf ,这是不可能的。 How can I make it so that the for statement is only entered if first is a Composite ? 我怎样才能使for语句仅在firstComposite时才输入?

Use instanceof to check if comp is an instance of Composite . 使用instanceof检查comp是否为Composite的实例。

eg: 例如:

if (comp instanceof Composite) { 
    //do something

You can restructure your code to apply the visitor pattern: 您可以重组代码以应用访问者模式:

public interface ComponentVisitor {
  void visitComposite(Composite composite);
  void visitLeaf(Leaf leaf);

public interface Component {
  void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor visitor);

public class Composite implements Component {
  @Override public void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor visitor) {

public class Leaf implements Component {
  @Override public void acceptVisitor(ComponentVisitor visitor) {

The visitor pattern is a compile-time safe alternative to runtime checks and casts and can also help static analysis of your code. 访问者模式是运行时检查和强制转换的一种编译时安全替代方法,它还可以帮助您对代码进行静态分析。 The program code will look like 程序代码看起来像

public class ComponentPrinter implements ComponentVisitor {

  public void printComponent(Component component) {

  @Override public void visitComposite(Composite composite) {
    for (Component child : composite) {

  @Override public void visitLeaf(Leaf leaf) {
    System.out.println("Found leaf: " + leaf);

Incidentally, the demo program does a depth-first print, but you can of course use a queue to accumulate components and then print breadth-first 顺便说一句,演示程序进行深度优先打印,但是您当然可以使用队列来累积组件,然后先进行广度优先打印

I would get rid of both Composite and Leaf altogether, and introduce a Node class that can have children. 我将完全摆脱Composite和Leaf,并介绍一个可以有孩子的Node类。 If it does, it's an intermediate node; 如果是这样,则它是一个中间节点。 if not, it's a leaf. 如果没有,那是一片叶子。 As this property can change any time, it is violently inappropriate to use different classes to express it. 由于此属性可以随时更改,因此使用不同的类来表达它是非常不合适的。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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