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XhrRequest with reflex / reflex-dom

[英]XhrRequest with reflex/reflex-dom

I want to perform a basic Ajax request, that's all. 我想执行一个基本的Ajax请求,就是这样。

I use reflex for the frontend and Scotty for the backend. 我使用reflex作为前端,使用Scotty作为后端。 The Firefox Web Console tells me the request was a success and I see the expected result there. Firefox Web控制台告诉我请求是成功的,我在那里看到了预期的结果。 But the website switches from Just "default" to Nothing instead of Just "success!" 但该网站从Just "default"切换到Nothing而不是Just "success!" .

Here is a complete minimal example: 这是一个完整的最小例子:

import Reflex (holdDyn)
import Reflex.Dom (button, el, mainWidget, display)
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr (performRequestAsync, xhrRequest, decodeXhrResponse)
import Reflex.Class (tag, constant)
import Data.Default (def)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  mainWidget $ el "div" $ do
    buttonEvent <- button "click me"
    let defaultReq = xhrRequest "GET" "mystring" def  --served by Scotty
    asyncEvent <- performRequestAsync (tag (constant defaultReq) buttonEvent)
    buttonDyn <- holdDyn (Just "default") $ fmap decodeXhrResponse asyncEvent
    display buttonDyn

and the Scotty part: Scotty部分:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Web.Scotty
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static

main = scotty 3000 $ do
  middleware $ staticPolicy (noDots >-> addBase "/mnt/b/haskell/try-reflex/hello.jsexe")
  get "/" $ do
    file "/mnt/b/haskell/try-reflex/hello.jsexe/index.html"
  get "/mystring" $ html "success!"

Since the debug tools tell me the request was a success, I suspect the error somewhere near decodeXhrResponse but I am a bit lost how I should proceed debugging since it just gets compiled to (unreadable) Javascript. 由于调试工具告诉我请求是成功的,我怀疑在decodeXhrResponse附近的错误,但我有点失去了我应该继续调试,因为它只是编译成(不可读)Javascript。

I used the try-reflex Nix script from GitHub to set up everything and compiled with ghcjs hello.hs in the Nix environment. 我使用GitHub中的try-reflex Nix脚本来设置所有内容,并在Nix环境中使用ghcjs hello.hs进行编译。

Edit: Adding the output of curl : 编辑:添加curl的输出:

$ curl -G http://localhost:3000/mystring

With help from #reflex-frp on freenode I found a solution: replacing decodeXhrResponse with _xhrResponse_body and using Text for the default string worked: 从帮助#reflex-frp freenode上我发现了一个解决方案:更换decodeXhrResponse_xhrResponse_body和使用Text的默认字符串的工作:

buttonDyn <- holdDyn (Just $ T.pack "default") $ fmap _xhrResponse_body asyncEvent

decodeXhrResponse expects some sort of JSON and although I tried to serve JSON via Scotty at one point it still didn't work. decodeXhrResponse期待某种JSON,虽然我曾尝试通过Scotty服务JSON,但它仍然无效。

I wrote this simplified helper function to basically retrieve a remote URL from reflex: 我写了这个简化的辅助函数来基本上从reflex中检索一个远程URL:

curlGet :: MonadWidget t m => Text -> m (Event t Text)
curlGet url = do
  let req = xhrRequest "GET" url def
  pb <- getPostBuild
  asyncReq <- performRequestAsync (tag (constant req) pb)
  pure $ fmap (fromMaybe "Unknown error" . _xhrResponse_responseText) asyncReq

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