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[英]Structuring a dynamic list of reflex-dom widgets/events according to numeric user input

I'm trying to create a dynamic list of widgets with the number of widgets determined by a numeric value from user input. 我正在尝试创建一个动态的小部件列表,其中小部件的数量由用户输入的数值确定。 Furthermore, each widget returns a click event. 此外,每个小部件都返回一个单击事件。 Here's what I'm using to get the user input: 这是我用来获取用户输入的内容:

settings :: MonadWidget t m => m (Dynamic t (Maybe Int))

Then I use this to generate a list of random number generators (The fact that these are values of RandomGen is not significant. They're just used for the content of each element, not the number of elements).: 然后我用它来生成一个随机数生成器列表(事实上这些是RandomGen值并不重要。它们只用于每个元素的内容, 而不是元素的数量):

split' :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> [g]
-- ...

gs <- mapDyn (maybe (split' 1 g) (flip split' g)) =<< settings

Now I have gs :: (MonadWidget tm, RandomGen g) => Dynamic t [g] . 现在我有gs :: (MonadWidget tm, RandomGen g) => Dynamic t [g] One g for each widget. 每个小部件一个g These widgets return Event values so I'll need to combine them (ie leftmost ) then use that value with foldDyn somewhere. 这些小部件返回Event值,因此我需要将它们组合在一起(即leftmost ),然后将该值与foldDyn一起使用。

go :: (MonadWidget t m, Random g) => g -> m (Event t MyType)
-- ...

clicked <- el "div" $ do
  -- omg
  xs <- simpleList gs go

  -- would like to eventually do this
  dynEvent <- mapDyn leftmost xs
  return $ switch (current dynEvent)

But so far I end up with xs :: Dynamic t [Dynamic t (m (Event t MyType))] . 但到目前为止,我最终得到了xs :: Dynamic t [Dynamic t (m (Event t MyType))]

I think what I really need is to somehow make xs :: MonadWidget tm => Dynamic t [Event t MyType] instead but having some trouble getting there even with other functions aside from simpleList . 我认为我真正需要的是以某种方式使xs :: MonadWidget tm => Dynamic t [Event t MyType]而是在使用除simpleList之外的其他函数时遇到一些麻烦。

Your problem is that simpleList takes a Dynamic t [g] and (Dynamic tg -> ma) . 你的问题是simpleList采用Dynamic t [g](Dynamic tg -> ma) However, your go is g -> m (Event t MyType). 但是,你的go是g - > m(事件t MyType)。 So you need to create a better go: 所以你需要创造一个更好的去:

go2 :: (MonadWidget t m, RandomGen g) => Dynamic t g -> m (Event t MyType)
go2 gDyn = do
    mapped <- mapDyn go gDyn
    dyned <- dyn mapped
    held <- hold never dyned
    return (switch held)

Once you have this, it should be easier as simpleList gs go2 will return m (Dynamic t [Event t MyType]) and you should be able to mapDyn leftmost over it. 一旦你有了这个,它应该更容易,因为simpleList gs go2将返回m (Dynamic t [Event t MyType]) ,你应该能够在它mapDyn leftmost mapDyn

This is not the most elegant solution, but that's the best I was able to find when I was trying something similar. 这不是最优雅的解决方案,但这是我在尝试类似的东西时能够找到的最好的解决方案。 I'm sure it could be extracted into some helper function. 我敢肯定它可以被提取到一些辅助函数中。

Note that I don't have a compiler with me, and typechecking this in my head is quite difficult, so if it doesn't work, write a comment. 请注意,我没有编译器,并且在我的头脑中进行类型检查是非常困难的,所以如果它不起作用,请写一个注释。 I'll have a look when I'm home with a compiler. 当我在家里使用编译器时,我会看看。

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