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[英]Docusign automatically select template and Recipient and send the document

We are planning to add docusign to our salesforce instance. 我们计划将docusign添加到我们的salesforce实例中。 we are currently analyzing to have a button on the detail page of Opportunity or any object on click of the button, selection of the template and recipient takes place automatically from the code and send the document. 我们目前正在分析在商机的详细信息页面上有一个按钮,或者单击该按钮时会出现任何对象,从代码中自动进行模板和收件人的选择并发送文档。 we don't want any middle page where user manually select the template and recipient. 我们不希望用户手动选择模板和收件人的任何中间页面。 please let me know how can we achieve this in docusign app exchange. 请让我知道如何在docusign应用程序交换中实现这一目标。

this can be done by creating a Custom Button that provides such parameters to DocuSign. 这可以通过创建向DocuSign提供此类参数的自定义按钮来完成。 Specifically, you can specify signer information, a list of templates to use, and tell DocuSign that it should send the envelope without showing that editing page. 具体来说,您可以指定签名者信息,要使用的模板列表,并告诉DocuSign它应该发送信封而不显示该编辑页面。

This section of the DocuSign for Salesforce Administrator Guide has all the details: https://www.docusign.com/support/salesforce/documentation/dfs-admin-guide/admin-guide/custom-buttons DocuSign for Salesforce管理员指南的这一部分包含所有详细信息: https : //www.docusign.com/support/salesforce/documentation/dfs-admin-guide/admin-guide/custom-buttons

The parameters you can look for are DST for DocuSign templates; 您可以查找的参数是DocuSign模板的DST。 CCRM, CCTM, and CRL for specifying recipients; CCRM,CCTM和CRL用于指定收件人; and OCO for setting one-click options: 和OCO来设置一键式选项:


var DST='FBB2E4E8-A1B6-40C5-8B00-2AB31512DF04';
var CRL='Email~dfssigner@mailinator.com;LastName~Test Signer';
var OCO='Send';

window.location.href = "/apex/dsfs__DocuSign_CreateEnvelope?DSEID=0&SourceID={!Opportunity.Id}&DST="+DST+"&CRL="+CRL+"&OCO="+OCO;

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