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使用 Python 和 OpenCV 在图像中查找红色

[英]Finding red color in image using Python & OpenCV

I am trying to extract red color from an image.我正在尝试从图像中提取红色。 I have code that applies threshold to leave only values from specified range:我有应用阈值以仅保留指定范围内的值的代码:

img_hsv=cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
lower_red = np.array([0,50,50]) #example value
upper_red = np.array([10,255,255]) #example value
mask = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, lower_red, upper_red)
img_result = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask)

But, as i checked, red can have Hue value in range, let's say from 0 to 10, as well as in range from 170 to 180. Therefore, i would like to leave values from any of those two ranges.但是,正如我所检查的,红色的色调值可以在 0 到 10 的范围内,也可以在 170 到 180 的范围内。因此,我想保留这两个范围中的任何一个范围内的值。 I tried setting threshold from 10 to 170 and using cv2.bitwise_not() function, but then i get all the white color as well.我尝试将阈值设置为 10 到 170 并使用cv2.bitwise_not() function,但后来我也得到了所有的白色。 I think the best option would be to create a mask for each range and use them both, so I somehow have to join them together before proceeding.我认为最好的选择是为每个范围创建一个蒙版并同时使用它们,所以我必须在继续之前将它们连接在一起。

Is there a way I could join two masks using OpenCV?有没有办法可以使用 OpenCV 加入两个面具? Or is there some other way I could achieve my goal?还是有其他方法可以实现我的目标?

Edit.编辑。 I came with not much elegant, but working solution:我带来了不太优雅但有效的解决方案:

image_result = np.zeros((image_height,image_width,3),np.uint8)

for i in range(image_height):  #those are set elsewhere
    for j in range(image_width): #those are set elsewhere
        if img_hsv[i][j][1]>=50 \
            and img_hsv[i][j][2]>=50 \
            and (img_hsv[i][j][0] <= 10 or img_hsv[i][j][0]>=170):

It pretty much satisfies my needs, and OpenCV's functions probably do pretty much the same, but if there's a better way to do that(using some dedicated function and writing less code) please share it with me.它几乎满足了我的需求,OpenCV 的功能可能也差不多,但如果有更好的方法(使用一些专用的 function 并编写更少的代码)请与我分享。 :) :)

I would just add the masks together, and use np.where to mask the original image.我只是将遮罩添加在一起,并使用np.where来遮罩原始图像。

img_hsv=cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

# lower mask (0-10)
lower_red = np.array([0,50,50])
upper_red = np.array([10,255,255])
mask0 = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, lower_red, upper_red)

# upper mask (170-180)
lower_red = np.array([170,50,50])
upper_red = np.array([180,255,255])
mask1 = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, lower_red, upper_red)

# join my masks
mask = mask0+mask1

# set my output img to zero everywhere except my mask
output_img = img.copy()
output_img[np.where(mask==0)] = 0

# or your HSV image, which I *believe* is what you want
output_hsv = img_hsv.copy()
output_hsv[np.where(mask==0)] = 0

This should be much faster and much more readable than looping through each pixel of your image.与遍历图像的每个像素相比,这应该更快且更具可读性。

To detect red, you can use a HSV color thresholder script to determine the lower/upper thresholds then cv2.bitwise_and() to obtain the mask.要检测红色,您可以使用 HSV 颜色阈值脚本来确定下/上阈值,然后使用cv2.bitwise_and()来获取掩码。 Using this input image,使用这个输入图像,

We get this result and mask我们得到这个结果并屏蔽


import numpy as np
import cv2

image = cv2.imread('1.jpg')
result = image.copy()
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
lower = np.array([155,25,0])
upper = np.array([179,255,255])
mask = cv2.inRange(image, lower, upper)
result = cv2.bitwise_and(result, result, mask=mask)

cv2.imshow('mask', mask)
cv2.imshow('result', result)

HSV color thresholder script with sliders, remember to change the image file path带滑块的 HSV 颜色阈值脚本,记得更改图片文件路径

import cv2
import sys
import numpy as np

def nothing(x):

# Load in image
image = cv2.imread('1.jpg')

# Create a window

# create trackbars for color change
cv2.createTrackbar('HMin','image',0,179,nothing) # Hue is from 0-179 for Opencv

# Set default value for MAX HSV trackbars.
cv2.setTrackbarPos('HMax', 'image', 179)
cv2.setTrackbarPos('SMax', 'image', 255)
cv2.setTrackbarPos('VMax', 'image', 255)

# Initialize to check if HSV min/max value changes
hMin = sMin = vMin = hMax = sMax = vMax = 0
phMin = psMin = pvMin = phMax = psMax = pvMax = 0

output = image
wait_time = 33


    # get current positions of all trackbars
    hMin = cv2.getTrackbarPos('HMin','image')
    sMin = cv2.getTrackbarPos('SMin','image')
    vMin = cv2.getTrackbarPos('VMin','image')

    hMax = cv2.getTrackbarPos('HMax','image')
    sMax = cv2.getTrackbarPos('SMax','image')
    vMax = cv2.getTrackbarPos('VMax','image')

    # Set minimum and max HSV values to display
    lower = np.array([hMin, sMin, vMin])
    upper = np.array([hMax, sMax, vMax])

    # Create HSV Image and threshold into a range.
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)
    output = cv2.bitwise_and(image,image, mask= mask)

    # Print if there is a change in HSV value
    if( (phMin != hMin) | (psMin != sMin) | (pvMin != vMin) | (phMax != hMax) | (psMax != sMax) | (pvMax != vMax) ):
        print("(hMin = %d , sMin = %d, vMin = %d), (hMax = %d , sMax = %d, vMax = %d)" % (hMin , sMin , vMin, hMax, sMax , vMax))
        phMin = hMin
        psMin = sMin
        pvMin = vMin
        phMax = hMax
        psMax = sMax
        pvMax = vMax

    # Display output image

    # Wait longer to prevent freeze for videos.
    if cv2.waitKey(wait_time) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


Play with this.玩这个。

#blurring and smoothin

hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

#lower red
lower_red = np.array([0,50,50])
upper_red = np.array([10,255,255])

#upper red
lower_red2 = np.array([170,50,50])
upper_red2 = np.array([180,255,255])

mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red)
res = cv2.bitwise_and(img1,img1, mask= mask)

mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red2, upper_red2)
res2 = cv2.bitwise_and(img1,img1, mask= mask2)

img3 = res+res2
img4 = cv2.add(res,res2)
img5 = cv2.addWeighted(res,0.5,res2,0.5,0)

kernel = np.ones((15,15),np.float32)/225
smoothed = cv2.filter2D(res,-1,kernel)
smoothed2 = cv2.filter2D(img3,-1,kernel)



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