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如何将Gradle添加到Android Studio中的现有项目?

[英]How to add Gradle to an existing project in Android Studio?

I have an existing project in Android Studio that I originally imported from Eclipse. 我最初从Eclipse导入了Android Studio中的现有项目。

I haven't been using any specific build system to build my project other than the one provided by default with the Android Studio IDE (though the project was originally created with Eclipse. 除了默认使用Android Studio IDE提供的系统之外,我没有使用任何特定的构建系统来构建我的项目(尽管该项目最初是使用Eclipse创建的。

I haven't been able to find a good tutorial of the steps. 我还没有找到一个很好的步骤教程。 What's the recommended approach to add Gradle to this project? 建议将Gradle添加到此项目的方法是什么?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks! 谢谢!

I would recommend creating a new project in android studio as the folder structure used by gradle is different than the one used by eclipse. 我建议在android studio中创建一个新项目,因为gradle使用的文件夹结构与eclipse使用的文件夹结构不同。 Then copy the files into their matching folder. 然后将文件复制到其匹配的文件夹中。

Here is a detailed description about the folder structure: https://developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html 这是有关文件夹结构的详细说明: https : //developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html

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