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[英]How to get innerHTML from one specify child ELEMENT

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What I want to do is: 我想做的是:

<div id="container">
    <div class="unwanted"></div>
    <div class="unwanted"></div>
    <div class="unwanted"></div>

How can I get the innerHTML of #container for that svg, so what I get is: 我如何获取该svg的#container的innerHTML,所以我得到的是:


What you want is the outerHTML of the svg Element but that is not really accessible in this way. 您想要的是svg元素的externalHTML,但实际上不能以这种方式访问​​。 Here 这里

outerHTML of an SVG element SVG元素的externalHTML

is an idea of how to get the svg with content. 是关于如何获取内容的svg的想法。



jquery jQuery的

var container = $("#container").html().find('svg');
// or
 $("#container svg").html();

//return <rect></rect> you can use '<svg>'+container+'</svg>'

javascript JavaScript的

var container = document.getElementById('container');
var svg = container.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].innerHTML;

//return <rect></rect> you can use '<svg>'+container+'</svg>'

or see @Duopixel's answer on Why .html() doesn't work with SVG selectors using jquery ? 或参阅@Duopixel关于为什么.html()无法与使用jquery的SVG选择器一起使用的答案

var svg = document.getElementById('svg_root'); // or whatever you call it
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
var str = serializer.serializeToString(svg);

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