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除了它的一个子 Jquery 之外,我怎样才能获得innerhtml

[英]How can I get innerhtml except one of its child Jquery

I want to print my elements so I need to get innerHtml of the whole div but I need to hide one element from printed but still found in the main page我想打印我的元素,所以我需要获取整个 div 的innerHtml,但我需要隐藏一个元素而不打印但仍然可以在主页面上找到

My attempt looks like this我的尝试看起来像这样

var printcontent = document.getElementById(el).innerHTML
             +" <div class='row'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-tasks'></span><b></b></div>"
             + document.getElementById(tble).innerHTML
             + document.getElementById(img).innerHTML;

this works fine but I need to hide the elment ID ="attach"这工作正常,但我需要隐藏 elment ID ="attach"

var panel = document.getElementById(el).innerHTML;
var filteredpanel = panel.remove(document.getElementById("attach").innerHTML)

Using jQuery:使用jQuery:




Try this尝试这个

$('#attach').hide(); /* hide */
var printcontent = $(el).html() /* assign var */
             +" <div class='row'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-tasks'></span><b></b></div>"
             + $(tble).html()
             + $(img).html();
$('#attach').show(); /* show again */


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