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[英]CORONA : physics, object changes its (x,y)

I've added my object ( a ball) and when it collide with an object the ball start changing it x an y position even if I apply force just on it y position (up and down) 我已经添加了一个对象(一个球),当它与一个对象碰撞时,即使我只是在它的y位置(上下)上施加了力,球也开始将其更改为y位置

local physics = require "physics"
--physics.setContinuous( false ) 

    ball = display.newImage("ball.png") --MAIN OBJECT
    ball.x = 100; ball.y = 100
    physics.addBody(ball, "dynamic", {density=.05, bounce=0.1, friction=.2, radius=12})
    ball.myName = "ball"

function activateBall(self, event) --APPLY FORCE FUNCTION
    self:applyForce(0, -1.5, self.x, self.y)


function onCollision (event) --BALL COLLIDES WITH JUST THIS OBSTACLES 

    if (event.object1.myName == "obst1") or (event.object1.myName == "obst2") then 
    storyboard.gotoScene("restart", "fade", 400)


I want the ball to keep it position without starting to move randomly . 我希望球保持它的位置而不开始随机移动。

A quick solution would be to simply reset the balls x position in every frame. 一种快速的解决方案是简单地重置每帧中的x球位置。

local ballListener = function( event )
    ball.x = 100
Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", ballListener )

Maybe before applyForce() you can setLinearVelocity() for x value to 0, for y to the value you getLinearVelocity() for y value, and then applyForce() you want to. 也许在applyForce()之前,可以将x值的setLinearVelocity()为0,将y的值getLinearVelocity()getLinearVelocity()的值设置为y,然后再设置applyForce() Probably that resets the x velocity you could have after collision. 可能会重置碰撞后的x速度。

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