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[英]Change label color with animateWithDuration in Swift

I'm trying to animate a label text so that if the value greater it will change the text color to blue and if the value less it will change the color to Red, else remain the same "Black color". 我正在尝试设置标签文本的动画,这样如果值更大,它会将文本颜色更改为蓝色,如果值更小,它会将颜色更改为红色,否则保持相同的“黑色”。

But UIView.animateWithDuration() it change the color to Blue permanently, all I am trying to do is if the value great or less than, I want to change the label color to blue or red for few seconds then return its color to black. 但是UIView.animateWithDuration()它会永久地将颜色更改为蓝色,我想要做的就是如果值大或小于,我想将标签颜色更改为蓝色或红色几秒钟然后将其颜色恢复为黑色。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
let x = 10
let y = 20

if x > y 
            { () -> Void in self.label.textColor = UIColor.blueColor(); })

else if y < x
                    { () -> Void in self.label.textColor = UIColor.redColor(); })
 self.label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()

also I tried to use Sleep function as follow but it didn't work out 我也尝试使用Sleep功能如下,但它没有成功

self.label.textColor = UIColor.blueColor()
self.label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()

UIView animation api cannot animate the textColor property of UILabel, for that you will need to use CAAnimation. UIView动画api无法为UILabel的textColor属性设置动画,因为您需要使用CAAnimation。 Here is a implementation using CATransition. 这是使用CATransition的实现。

 func animate() {
    let x = 10
    let y = 20

    var finalColor: UIColor!

    if x > y {
        finalColor = UIColor.blueColor()
    } else {
        finalColor = UIColor.redColor()

    let changeColor = CATransition()
    changeColor.type = kCATransitionFade
    changeColor.duration = 2.0


    CATransaction.setCompletionBlock {
        self.label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
        self.label.layer.addAnimation(changeColor, forKey: nil)
    self.label.textColor = finalColor
    self.label.layer.addAnimation(changeColor, forKey: nil)


Building on Acluda's answer, I'd recommend putting his code in the completion handler of the animateWithDuration:animations:completion variant. 基于Acluda的答案,我建议将他的代码放在animateWithDuration的完成处理程序中:动画:完成变体。

    animations: { () -> Void in self.label.textColor = UIColor.blueColor(); },
    completion: { (wentThrough: Bool) -> Void in
        { UIView.animateWithDuration(2,
              animations: { () -> Void in self.label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor(); }) })
UIView.transitionWithView(myLabel, duration: 0.25, options: .TransitionCrossDissolve, animations: {() -> Void in
            label.textColor = UIColor.redColor()
        }, completion: {(finished: Bool) -> Void in

Try :) 试试:)

There is no logic that tells the UIView to return back to UIColor.blackColor once the first animation is complete. 第一个动画完成后,没有任何逻辑告诉UIView返回UIColor.blackColor。

Consider adding this after animation calls for blue/red. 考虑在动画调用蓝色/红色后添加此项。

        { () -> Void in self.label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor(); })

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