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[英]Batch file that will print all files (.pdf's and .docs) in a directory

Running Win7, I need a batch file that will print all .doc and .pdf files in a particular directory. 运行Win7,我需要一个批处理文件,该文件将打印特定目录中的所有.doc和.pdf文件。 Any help greatly appreciated! 任何帮助,不胜感激!

First you'll need printJS.bat in the same directory: 首先,您需要在同一目录中使用printJS.bat

@echo off
pushd "C:\directory_with_documents"
for %%a in (*.pdf *.doc) do (
   call printjs.bat "%%~fa"

and to change the directory at the beginning. 并在开头更改目录。 Have on mind that printJS uses invokeverb function which may fail if language on the system is different than English. 请记住,printJS使用invokeverb函数,如果系统上的语言不同于英语,则该函数可能会失败。

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