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[英]How to get all orderings of a list such that the list is equal to another list?

I have lists A and B, which can have duplicates, for example: 我有列表A和B,可以有重复项,例如:

A = ['x', 'x', 7]
B = [7, 'x', 'x']

Now I want all index permutations that permute list B into list A: 现在我想要所有将列表B置于列表A中的索引排列:

[1, 2, 0]    # because [B[1], B[2], B[0]] == A
[2, 1, 0]    # because [B[2], B[1], B[0]] == A

Is there are way to achieve this without iterating over all possible permutations? 有没有办法实现这一点,而不是迭代所有可能的排列? I already use 我已经用过

import itertools
for p in itertools.permutations(range(len(B))):
    if A == permute(B,p):

to iterate over all possible permutations and check for the ones I want, but I want to have the right ones faster. 迭代所有可能的排列并检查我想要的排列,但我希望更快地拥有正确的排列。

You should decompose your problem in two : 您应该将问题分解为两个:

  • first find a particular permutation sigma_0 that maps B onto A 首先找到将B映射到A的特定排列sigma_0
  • find the set S_B of all the permutations that map B onto itself 找到将B映射到自身的所有排列的集合S_B

Then the set you are looking after is just {sigma_0 \\circ \\sigma, sigma \\in S_B} . 然后你正在寻找的集合只是{sigma_0 \\circ \\sigma, sigma \\in S_B}

Now the question becomes : how to we determine S_B ? 现在问题变成:如何确定S_B To do this, you can just observe that if you write the set {0,1,2,..,n} (with n=2 in your case) as A_1 \\cup .. A_k , where each A_i corresponds to the indices in B that correspond to the i-th element (in your case, you would have A_1 = {1,2} and A_2 = {0} ), then each element of S_B can be written in a unique manner as a product tau_1 \\circ .. tau_k where each tau_i is a permutation that acts on A_i . 要做到这一点,您可以观察到如果您将集合{0,1,2,..,n} (在您的情况下为n=2 )写为A_1 \\cup .. A_k ,其中每个A_i对应于索引在B中对应于第i个元素(在您的情况下,您将有A_1 = {1,2}A_2 = {0} ),那么S_B每个元素都可以以独特的方式写为产品tau_1 \\circ .. tau_k其中每个tau_i是一个作用于A_i的排列。

So, in your case S_B = {id, (1,2)} and you can take sigma_0 = (0,2) . 因此,在您的情况下, S_B = {id, (1,2)} ,您可以使用sigma_0 = (0,2) It follows that the set your are after is {(0,2), (2,0,1)} . 因此,你所追求的集合是{(0,2), (2,0,1)}

Here's one way to do it. 这是一种方法。 My perms function generates all valid permutations. 我的perms函数生成所有有效的排列。 First I collect the indexes for each element in B, then I recursively build and yield the permutations by always picking one of the still available indexes for each item in A until a permutation is ready to be yielded. 首先,我收集B中每个元素的索引,然后通过总是为A中的每个项目选择一个仍然可用的索引来递归构建并产生排列,直到准备好产生排列。

from collections import defaultdict

def perms(A, B):
    indexes = defaultdict(set)
    for i, e in enumerate(B):
    def find(perm):
        k = len(perm)
        if k == len(A):
            yield perm
        I = indexes[A[k]]
        for i in list(I):
            yield from find(perm + (i,))
    yield from find(())

Usage: 用法:

A = ['x', 'x', 7]
B = [7, 'x', 'x']

for perm in perms(A, B):

Output: 输出:

(1, 2, 0)
(2, 1, 0)

You could do this in three steps. 你可以分三步完成。 First, create a dictionary from list B that has items as keys and indexes as values. 首先,从列表B创建一个字典,其中项目为键,索引为值。 In your case, the dictionary for your list B: 在您的情况下,列表B的字典:

B = [7, 'x', 'x']

  7 - [0]
'x' - [1, 2]

Then, go through your list A and build an index that maps List A indexes to their corresponding List B indexes. 然后,浏览列表A并构建一个索引,将List A索引映射到相应的List B索引。 That is: 那是:

A = ['x', 'x', 7]

0 - [1, 2]
1 - [1, 2]
2 - [0]

From that, you can generate all of the valid mappings. 从那里,您可以生成所有有效的映射。 It should be easy enough to write code that, given the index above, will generate [1, 2, 0] and [2, 1, 0] . 应该很容易编写代码,给定上面的索引,将生成[1, 2, 0][2, 1, 0]

Here's something in Python. 这是Python中的一些东西。 I used strings for hashing since I'm not familiar with how to pass sets and arrays as recursive arguments in Python, although they might be more efficient. 我使用字符串进行散列,因为我不熟悉如何在Python中将集合和数组作为递归参数传递,尽管它们可能更有效。

A = ['x', 'x', 7, 'y', 8, 8]
B = [7, 'x', 8, 'x', 8, 'y']
H = {}

# record the indexes of elements in B
for i in xrange(0,len(B)):
  if B[i] in H:
    H[ B[i] ].append(str(i)) 
    H[ B[i] ] = [str(i)]

# build permutations in the order that the elements are encountered in A
def perms(perm,i,visited,l):
  if i==l:
    print perm
  for j in H[ A[i] ]:
    if j not in visited:
      perms(perm + j,i + 1,visited + j,l)


Output: 输出:


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