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[英]Change mouse cursor position to focused control

I want Change mouse cursor position to focused control. 我想将鼠标光标位置更改为焦点控件。 I change focuses by keyboard(Enter key). 我通过键盘改变焦点(输入键)。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Here you go: 干得好:

void goToActive()
    Control ctl = this.ActiveControl;
    this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
    if (ctl != null) Cursor.Position = ctl.PointToScreen(new Point(3,3));

To catch your navigation key from everywhere override ProcessCmdKey as show here ..: 要从任何地方捕获导航键,请覆盖ProcessCmdKey,如此处所示 ..:

protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
    if (keyData == Keys.Enter) { goToActive(); return true;}
    return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);

Update : If you'd rather not follow the Enter-Key but the Enter events of your controls, here is how to do that: 更新 :如果您不想遵循Enter键,而是遵循控件的Enter事件,请按以下步骤操作:

We register all controls in the Form.Shown event: 我们在Form.Shown事件中注册所有控件:

private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)

This regisers all controls recursively. 这将递归地监管所有控件。 You may want to exlude some based on your needs, maybe checking the name, type or Tag ..: 您可能需要根据需要排除某些内容,例如检查名称,类型或Tag ..:

void registerAllControls(Control ctl)
    ctl.Enter += ControlReceivedFocus;
    foreach (Control ct in ctl.Controls)

We call the modified goToActive function only when we are not here already..: 仅当我们还不在这里时,才调用修改后的goToActive函数。

void ControlReceivedFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!((sender as Control).ClientRectangle

I have modified the function to include the calling control, to make things a little easier..: 我修改了该函数以包括调用控件,使事情变得更简单。

void goToActive(object sender)
    Control ctl = sender as Control;
    this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
    Cursor.Position = ctl.PointToScreen(new Point(3, 3));
    if (sender is TextBox) Cursor = Cursors.IBeam; 
    else Cursor = Cursors.Default;

Note that the Cursor has a tendency to pick up wrong shapes; 请注意, Cursor倾向于拾取错误的形状。 I set it to Default or, for TextBoxes to IBeam . 我将其设置为Default或者将TextBoxesIBeam

I have tested it, it works, but, as noted, I'd rather not have my cursor track my focus.. Make it an option, not a feature! 我已经对其进行了测试,但是可以正常运行,但是,如前所述,我不想让我的光标跟踪我的焦点。.使其成为一个选项,而不是一个功能!

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