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CentOS 7-gnome 3-自定义“应用程序”徽标

[英]CentOS 7 - gnome 3 - customise “Applications” logo

In CentOS 7 - on gnome 3 there is a small CentOS icon to the left of the "Applications" menu option. 在CentOS 7中-在gnome 3上,“应用程序”菜单选项左侧有一个小的CentOS图标。 I would like to change this logo to something else. 我想将此徽标更改为其他名称。

I have: 我有:

  1. run find /usr/share -name "*logo*" and suffixed all the CentOS logo looking icons with ".old" (to make sure they aren't found) 运行find /usr/share -name "*logo*"并在所有带有CentOS徽标的图标后缀“ .old”(以确保未找到它们)。
  2. run gtk-update-icon-cache 运行gtk-update-icon-cache

...but the CentOS logo to the left of Applications will simply not disappear. ...但是“应用程序”左侧的CentOS徽标将不会消失。

Does anyone which image needs to be replaced in order to change this logo to one of my choosing? 是否需要更换图像以将该徽标更改为我的选择之一?

The required file is: 所需文件为:

/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/start-here.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/start-here.svg

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