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如何在C ++中将字符串时间转换为unsigned int

[英]How to convert string time to unsigned int in c++

I need to convert string time to unsigned int i test my program with atoi/strtoul/atol and string stream but they don't work correctly what am i missing??? 我需要将string时间转换为unsigned int我用atoi/strtoul/atolstring stream测试我的程序,但它们无法正常工作,我缺少什么?

 string CurrentTime(){
        time_t rawtime;
        struct tm * timeinfo;
        char bffr [80];

        time (&rawtime);
        timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime);

        strftime (bffr,80,"%T",timeinfo);
        // puts (bffr);

        return bffr;

    int main(){
    string new_time;
    new_time = CurrentTime();
    stringstream strValue;
        strValue << new_time;
    unsigned int stime;
        strValue >> stime;


 int main(){
        string new_time;
        new_time = CurrentTime();
unsigned int stime =atoi(new_time.c_str());

but both of them print stime :just only hour for example 10 但是他们两个都打印stime :仅一个小时,例如10

and print new_time : for example 10:20:15 并打印new_time :例如10:20:15

Your string stream is not working because of a delimiter ":". 由于定界符“:”,您的字符串流不起作用。 you need to get around it. 您需要解决它。 Try the following code: 尝试以下代码:

string new_time;
new_time = CurrentTime();
std::string finalstring;
std::string delim = ":";
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = new_time.find(delim)) != std::string::npos)
    finalstring += new_time.substr(0, pos);
    new_time.erase(0, pos + delim.length());

stringstream strValue;
strValue << finalstring;
strValue << new_time;
unsigned int stime;
strValue >> stime;
cout << stime << endl;

It seems that %T doesn't work well with strftime function call. 看来%T在strftime函数调用中不能很好地工作。

But there is a workaround for this. 但是有一个解决方法。 %T is actually %H:%M:%S %T实际上是%H:%M:%S

Thus, 从而,

strftime (bffr, 80, "%H:%M:%S", timeinfo); strftime(bffr,80,“%H:%M:%S”,timeinfo);

should work fine for your code. 应该适合您的代码。

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