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如何在 C++ 中将浮点数转换为无符号整数?

[英]How to convert a float into an unsigned int in C++?

I want to convert a float to an unsigned int.我想将浮点数转换为无符号整数。 When I use this code, the terminal print 3:当我使用此代码时,终端打印 3:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  float test = 3.4;
  std::cout << "test : " << int(test) << "\n";

But when I use this code I have an error:但是当我使用这段代码时,我有一个错误:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  float test = 3.4;
  std::cout << "test : " << unsigned int(test) << "\n";

My error is:我的错误是:

example.cc: In function ‘int main()’:
example.cc:5:29: error: expected primary-expression before ‘unsigned’
    5 |   std::cout << "test : " << unsigned int(test) << "\n";

Can someone help me?有人能帮我吗? I need to use an unsigned int.我需要使用无符号整数。 Thanks !谢谢 !

The functional cast ( type(expr) , that is) requires the type to be spelled as a single word (without spaces, [] , * , & , etc).功能转换( type(expr) ,即)要求将类型拼写为单个单词(没有空格, []*&等)。

unsigned int is not a single word, so it's not allowed. unsigned int不是一个单词,所以它是不允许的。

Your options are:您的选择是:

  • Using the regular C-style cast: (unsigned int)test .使用常规的 C 风格转换: (unsigned int)test

  • Omitting the int .省略int unsigned alone means the same thing as unsigned int , so you can write unsigned(test) .单独的unsignedunsigned int的含义相同,因此您可以编写unsigned(test)

  • Using a static_cast : static_cast<unsigned int>(test) .使用static_caststatic_cast<unsigned int>(test)

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