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Windows 10 UWP APP的Winjs

[英]Winjs for windows 10 UWP APP

I've created an Windows 10 UWP project with JavaScript and use Winjs , but when I test some winjs ui controls ,that not run well . 我已经用JavaScript创建了一个Windows 10 UWP项目并使用Winjs,但是当我测试一些winjs ui控件时,运行不正常。

eg1 : SplitView , I follow http://try.buildwinjs.com/#splitview , and copy sample code (html,js,css) to UWP Project , and run it , but it can't split use top hamburger button eg1:SplitView,我遵循http://try.buildwinjs.com/#splitview ,并将示例代码(html,js,css)复制到UWP Project并运行它,但是它不能使用顶部汉堡包按钮进行拆分

eg2 : Appbar , the same follow http://try.buildwinjs.com/#appbar sample code , and run it ,but it throw Exception . eg2:Appbar,同样遵循http://try.buildwinjs.com/#appbar示例代码,并运行它,但它抛出Exception。

So ,Winjs already support windows 10 UWP or not ? 那么,Winjs是否已经支持Windows 10 UWP?

OS: windows 10 10130 操作系统:Windows 10 10130

Dev tool : Visual studio 2015 RC 开发人员工具:Visual Studio 2015 RC

Winjs : use nugget upgrade to version 4.0.1 WinJS:使用块升级到版本4.0.1

WinJS version 4.x switch back to 2 files: base.js and ui.js. WinJS版本4.x切换回2个文件:base.js和ui.js。

WinJS version 3.x and 4.0 preview use winjs.js file . WinJS版本3.x和4.0预览版使用winjs.js文件。

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