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Windows WinJS App系统访问

[英]Windows WinJS App System access

I would like to create my own tool to sort photos and videos from anywhere in the file system, sorting and changing names, and stuff like that (basically a sorting tool with custom sort parameters). 我想创建自己的工具来对文件系统中任何位置的照片和视频进行排序,排序和更改名称以及类似的东西(基本上是具有自定义排序参数的排序工具)。

Since windows store apps are easy to distribute I think it could be a nice place to develop it. 由于Windows存储应用程序易于分发,我认为这可能是开发它的好地方。
while I have nothing against C# or VB that i guess it could be easily done with it, I would like to try the HTML/CSS/JS apps of the windows store. 虽然我对C#或VB没有任何抵触,但我想可以轻松完成,但我想尝试Windows商店的HTML/CSS/JS应用。
I'm not looking for profit on this, since is aimed for my family . 我不想为此谋取利益,因为这是针对我的家人的

And I don't really know what kind of access to the file system do these apps have. 而且我真的不知道这些应用程序对文件系统有什么样的访问权限。

I consider a store app because of the universal model, if necessary I could port it to the phones too, the other option I'm considering is just to use ironpython and make it full Desktop. 由于通用模型,我考虑使用商店应用程序,如果有必要,我也可以将其移植到手机上,我考虑的另一种选择是仅使用ironpython并将其设置为完整的桌面。

With UWP apps you don't have the full access to the system files. 使用UWP应用程序,您将无法完全访问系统文件。 Of course you get one to the working folder of your app - LocalFolder . 当然,您可以在应用程序的工作文件夹LocalFolder中找到一个文件夹。 By using suitable Capabilities you can be granted an access to specified libraries like: Music , Photos , Videos and more, known as KnownFolders . 通过使用适当的功能 ,可以授予您访问特定库的权限,例如: 音乐照片视频等,称为KnownFolders Additionally you can widely access removable devices. 此外,您可以广泛访问可移动设备。 To prevent access violation to work on files in KnownFolders you have to use a special broker, which will grant privileges to your app. 为了防止访问冲突对KnownFolders中的文件起作用,您必须使用特殊的代理,该代理将为您的应用授予特权。

The full list of access permitions you will find at MSDN . 可以在MSDN上找到访问许可的完整列表。

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