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如何从 Elasticsearch 中删除文档

[英]How to delete documents from Elasticsearch

I can't find any example of deleting documents from Elasticsearch in Python.我找不到任何在 Python 中从Elasticsearch中删除文档的示例。 What I've seen by now - is definition of delete and delete_by_query functions.我现在看到的是deletedelete_by_query函数的定义。 But for some reason documentation does not provide even a microscopic example of using these functions.但是由于某种原因, 文档甚至没有提供使用这些功能的微观示例。 The single list of parameters does not tell me too much, if I do not know how to correctly feed them into the function call.如果我不知道如何正确地将它们输入到函数调用中,那么单个参数列表并不能告诉我太多。 So, lets say, I've just inserted one new doc like so:所以,可以说,我刚刚插入了一个新文档,如下所示:

doc = {'name':'Jacobian'}

Who in the world knows how can I now delete this document using delete and delete_by_query ?世界上谁知道我现在如何使用deletedelete_by_query删除此文档?

Since you are not giving a document id while indexing your document, you have to get the auto-generated document id from the return value and delete according to the id.由于您在索引文档时没有提供文档 ID,因此您必须从返回值中获取自动生成的文档 ID 并根据 ID 删除。 Or you can define the id yourself, try the following:或者您可以自己定义 id,尝试以下操作:

 db.index(index="reestr",doc_type="some_type",id=1919, body=doc)


In the other case, you need to look into return value;在另一种情况下,您需要查看返回值;

 r = db.index(index="reestr",doc_type="some_type", body=doc)
 # r = {u'_type': u'some_type', u'_id': u'AU36zuFq-fzpr_HkJSkT', u'created': True, u'_version': 1, u'_index': u'reestr'}


Another example for delete_by_query. delete_by_query 的另一个示例。 Let's say after adding several documents with name='Jacobian', run the following to delete all documents with name='Jacobian':假设在添加了几个 name='Jacobian' 的文档后,运行以下命令删除所有 name='Jacobian' 的文档:

 db.delete_by_query(index='reestr',doc_type='some_type', q={'name': 'Jacobian'})

The Delete-By-Query API was removed from the ES core in version 2 for several reasons.出于多种原因,Delete-By-Query API 在版本 2 中从 ES 核心中移除。 This function became a plugin.这个函数变成了一个插件。 You can look for more details here:您可以在此处查看更多详细信息:

Why Delete-By-Query is a plugin 为什么 Delete-By-Query 是一个插件

Delete By Query Plugin 按查询删除插件

Because I didn't want to add another dependency (because I need this later to run in a docker image) I wrote an own function solving this problem.因为我不想添加另一个依赖项(因为我稍后需要在 docker 映像中运行它)我编写了一个自己的函数来解决这个问题。 My solution is to search for all quotes with the specified index and type.我的解决方案是搜索具有指定索引和类型的所有引号。 After that I remove them using the Bulk API:之后,我使用批量 API 删除它们:

def delete_es_type(es, index, type_):
        count = es.count(index, type_)['count']
        response = es.search(
            body={"size": count, "query": {"filtered" : {"filter" : {
                  "type" : {"value": type_ }}}}})
        ids = [x["_id"] for x in response["hits"]["hits"]]
        if len(ids) > 0:
        bulk_body = [
            '{{"delete": {{"_index": "{}", "_type": "{}", "_id": "{}"}}}}'
            .format(index, type_, x) for x in ids]
        # es.indices.flush_synced([index])
    except elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError as ex:
        print("Elasticsearch error: " + ex.error)
        raise ex

I hope that helps future googlers ;)我希望这对未来的谷歌人有所帮助;)

One can also do something like this:也可以这样做:

def delete_by_ids(index, ids):
    query = {"query": {"terms": {"_id": ids}}}
    res = es.delete_by_query(index=index, body=query)

# Pass index and list of id that you want to delete.
delete_by_ids('my_index', ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'])

Which will perform the delete operation on bulk data它将对批量数据执行删除操作

I came across this post while searching for a way to delete a document on ElasticSearch using their Python library, ElasticSearch-DSL.我在寻找使用他们的 Python 库 ElasticSearch-DSL 删除 ElasticSearch 上的文档的方法时遇到了这篇文章。

In case it helps anyone, this part of their documentation describes the document lifecycle.如果它对任何人有帮助,他们文档的这一部分描述了文档生命周期。 https://elasticsearch-dsl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/persistence.html#document-life-cycle https://elasticsearch-dsl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/persistence.html#document-life-cycle

And at the end of it, it details how to delete a document:最后,它详细说明了如何删除文档:

To delete a document just call its delete method:要删除一个文档,只需调用它的 delete 方法:

 first = Post.get(id=42) first.delete()

Hope that helps 🤞希望对你有帮助🤞

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