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[英]Deserialize XML - how do I deserialize nested lists?

I am trying to deserialize this XML: 我试图反序列化此XML:

<Make Name="Audi">
<Model Name="A7">
<Spec Identifier="330025">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330026">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330027">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330028">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330008">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330038">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330024">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330019">...</Spec>
<Spec Identifier="330020">...</Spec>

I'm only interested in the Specs list but can't seem to deserialize it. 我只对“规格”列表感兴趣,但似乎无法反序列化它。 I have tried the following: 我尝试了以下方法:

CLass: 类:

    public class Response
        [XmlArray("Specs"), XmlArrayItem("Spec")]
        public List<Spec> Results { get; set; }

        //[XmlArray("Specs"), XmlArrayItem("Spec")]
        public List<Make> Make { get; set; } 

    public class Spec
        public string YearProductionStarts { get; set; }
        public string YearProductionEnd { get; set; }

    public class Make
        public List<Model> Model { get; set; }

    public class Model
        public List<Spec> Spec { get; set; }

and used this method to deserialize with no joy: 并使用此方法进行反序列化而没有任何乐趣:

 //Deserialize responseXml to response object
            var xmLserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ResponseGetSpec));

            using (var reader = new StringReader(responseXml))
                return (ResponseGetSpec)xmLserializer.Deserialize(reader);

You have specs inside Model and also inside Response . 您可以在Model以及Response内使用规格。 The way your XML is set up it will go inside Model . XML的设置方式将进入Model

You also need attributes on all your other items. 您还需要所有其他项目的属性。

Start with something like this 从这样的东西开始

public class Response
    [XmlElement("Make")] // Use XmlElement to get multiple items without a containing XML tag
    public List<Make> Make { get; set; } 

public class Spec
    public string YearProductionStarts { get; set; }
    public string YearProductionEnd { get; set; }

public class Make
    public List<Model> Model { get; set; }

public class Model
    [XmlArray("Specs"), XmlArrayItem("Spec")]
    public List<Spec> Spec { get; set; }

If that doesn't work, create an object and serialize it, then see where the differences are between that XML and the XML you're going for. 如果那行不通,请创建一个对象并将其序列化,然后查看该XML与您要使用的XML之间的区别。

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