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Magick ++无法从博客加载

[英]Magick++ not loading from blog

I am using Magick++ to load some images. 我正在使用Magick ++加载一些图像。 Because I want to wrap PhysFS for all of my image loads, I needed to load an image by blob instead of file path. 因为我要为所有图像加载包装PhysFS,所以我需要通过blob(而不是文件路径)加载图像。

This code: 这段代码:

    Magick::Image test("path/to/some.png");

Works without issue. 没有问题的作品。

However once I do a blob I get an exception: 但是,一旦我做一个blob,我就会得到一个例外:

    PhysFS::ifstream img ("path/to/some.png");
    Magick::Blob blob( img.rdbuf(), img.length() );
    Magick::Image test(blob);

Exception thrown is: 引发的异常是:

terminating with uncaught exception of type Magick::ErrorMissingDelegate no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/blob.c/BlobToImage/350 以类型为Magick :: ErrorMissingDelegate的未捕获异常终止,此图像格式为''@ error / blob.c / BlobToImage / 350,没有解码委托

I have verified the blob is the same size as the file. 我已验证Blob与文件大小相同。 So I am sure it is reading it into memory. 因此,我确定它正在将其读入内存。

I tried using the standard library ifstream as well setting std::ios::binary but the problem remains. 我尝试使用标准库ifstream以及设置std :: ios :: binary,但问题仍然存在。

Magick::Blob as a constructor needs a void*, in other words a memory location to read the data from. Magick :: Blob作为构造函数需要一个void *,换句话说,就是一个用于读取数据的内存位置。 But you are providing pointer to a std::filebuf object and that won't work. 但是,您提供了指向std :: filebuf对象的指针,该指针不起作用。 You will have to read the file into memory. 您将不得不将文件读入内存。 For example a char* and use that in the Blob constructor. 例如,一个char *并在Blob构造函数中使用它。

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