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[英]How to watch remote Akka Actor?

I am learning akka-remote and one of the things I do in my LocalActorSystem is getting remote actor reference and send messages to him 我正在学习akka-remote,我在LocalActorSystem做的一LocalActorSystem是获取远程actor参考并向他发送消息

class LocalActor extends Actor {
  val remote = context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://HelloRemoteSystem@")
  var counter = 0

  def receive = {
    case "START" =>
      remote ! "Hello from the LocalActor"
    case msg: String =>
      println(s"LocalActor received message: '$msg'")
      if (counter < 5) {
        sender ! "Hello back to you"
        counter += 1

My Remote looks like 我的Remote看起来像

object Remote extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem("HelloRemoteSystem", ConfigFactory.load("remote"))
  val remoteActor = system.actorOf(Props[RemoteActor], name = "RemoteActor")
  remoteActor ! "The RemoteActor is alive"

class RemoteActor extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case msg: String =>
      println(s"RemoteActor received message '$msg'")
      sender ! "Hello from the RemoteActor"

I also wanted to watch remoteActor so that if its dead, LocalActorSystem get to know. 我还想看一下remoteActor这样如果死了,LocalActorSystem就知道了。 So I did 所以我做了

  val remote = context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://HelloRemoteSystem@")
  context watch remote

but then compiler fails with following message 但随后编译器失败并显示以下消息



  1. How come I am able to send message to ActorSelection since it is not Actor ? 为什么我能够向ActorSelection发送消息,因为它不是Actor
  2. How can I watch RemoteActor? 我怎样才能观看RemoteActor?

Update 更新
However, the deprecated API does not complain 但是,弃用的API不会抱怨

val remote = context.actorFor("akka.tcp://HelloRemoteSystem@")
  context watch remote

When you do a lookup via actorSelection , that type of object you get back is an ActorSelection and not an ActorRef . 当您通过actorSelection进行查找时,您获得的那种类型的对象是ActorSelection而不是ActorRef Now, an ActorSelection does support both tell (!) and ask (?) so you can interact with it the same way you would an ActorRef . 现在, ActorSelection确实支持tell (!)ask (?)因此您可以像使用ActorRef一样与它进行ActorRef But an looking up actors via actorSelection supports the concept of a wild card, so the ActorSelection you get back potentially represents more than one actor and would allow you to send messages to more than one actor. 但是通过actorSelection查找的actor支持通配符的概念,因此您返回的ActorSelection可能代表多个actor,并允许您向多个actor发送消息。 For instance, if you did : 例如,如果您这样做:


this would give you an ActorSelection for all children under the parent ActorRef bound to the name foo . 这将给你一个ActorSelection父下的所有子ActorRef绑定到名称foo If there were two children and you send a message via that ActorSelection , that message would be delivered to both children. 如果有两个孩子并且您通过该ActorSelection发送消息,则该消息将被传递给两个孩子。

In your case, it looks like you are looking up a single actor instance. 在您的情况下,看起来您正在查找单个actor实例。 In that case, you can get an ActorRef from your ActorSelection by calling resolveOne on it. 在这种情况下,您可以通过调用resolveOneActorSelection获取ActorRef This will return a Future[ActorRef] that when completed will provide you with an ActorRef that you can watch remotely. 这将返回Future[ActorRef] ,完成后将为您提供可以远程观看的ActorRef You could also send the ActorSelection an Identify message and wait for the ActorIdentity response containing the ref to watch. 您还可以向ActorSelection发送Identify消息,并等待包含要观看的ref的ActorIdentity响应。

You should check out the docs here , specifically the Identifying Actors via Actor Selection section. 您应该在这里查看文档,特别是Identifying Actors via Actor Selection

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