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在代码隐藏中设置 Path.Data

[英]Setting Path.Data in code-behind

I have this XAML code which makes a Path which is inside a Canvas residing in a MainPage.xaml page.我有这个 XAML 代码,它创建了一个位于 MainPage.xaml 页面中的Canvas内的Path

<Path x:Name="progressPath" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" Stroke="Gold" StrokeThickness="5"
        Canvas.Left="300" Canvas.Top="300" Height="305" Width="305"
        Data="m 150,0 A 150,0 0 0 0 150,0 A 150,150 0 0 0 150,0">

I want to have several Path 's like this one (for example, a new Path is made when the user taps a button), so I decided to create them in the code-behind - which doesn't seem to be possible.我想要几个像这样的Path (例如,当用户点击一个按钮时会创建一个新的Path ),所以我决定在代码隐藏中创建它们——这似乎是不可能的。

The Path 's Data is populated with the move and draw commands syntax which cannot directly be used as a text value (as shown above) in code-behind like it can be in xaml - I've found workarounds for this in Silverlight and I tried the same technique in my Metro/Windows-Store app but though it compiles correctly there is no Path on the screen. PathData填充了move 和 draw 命令语法,这些语法不能直接用作代码隐藏中的文本值(如上所示),就像它可以在 xaml 中一样 - 我在 Silverlight 中找到了解决方法,我在我的 Metro/Windows-Store 应用程序中尝试了相同的技术,但尽管它编译正确,但屏幕上没有Path

tl;dr How do I create this Path in code-behind with the Data being as shown ? tl; dr如何在代码隐藏中创建此PathData如图所示?

I had this probelm too a while ago in winrt. 我在winrt中有过一段时间了。 It seems that you cannot asign a "path" value directly in code behind. 似乎您不能在后面的代码中直接分配“路径”值。

However there is a solution here 但是有一个解决方案在这里

I used this class in winrt without any problem. 我在winrt中使用了此类,没有任何问题。 All I had to do is change the signatures of the Convert and ConvertBack methods to implement the IValueConverter interface as it is in winrt and not in silverlight. 我要做的就是更改Convert和ConvertBack方法的签名以实现IValueConverter接口,因为它在winrt中而不是在Silverlight中。 Here they are 他们来了

public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
        string path = value as string;
        if (null != path)
            return Convert(path);
            return null;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
        PathGeometry geometry = value as PathGeometry;

        if (null != geometry)
            return ConvertBack(geometry);
            return default(string);

Usage: (More or less) 用法:(或多或少)

var stringToPathGeometryConverter = new StringToPathGeometryConverter();
string pathData = "m 150,0 A 150,0 0 0 0 150,0 A 150,150 0 0 0 150,0" ;
progressPath.Data = stringToPathGeometryConverter.Convert(pathData);

Another way to do it is to use XamlReader for this with apropriate string loaded. 另一种方法是为此使用XamlReader并加载适当的字符串。 In C#6.0 it can look like this: 在C#6.0中,它可能看起来像这样:

Path pathFromCode = XamlReader.Load($"<Path xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation'><Path.Data>{stringPathData}</Path.Data></Path>") as Path;

I found an simpler alternative way to create a Path in code behind.我找到了一种更简单的替代方法来在后面的代码中创建Path

var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Geometry));
string pathData = "m 150,0 A 150,0 0 0 0 150,0 A 150,150 0 0 0 150,0";
var path = new Path
    Data = (Geometry)converter.ConvertFrom(pathData),

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