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VB.NET具有MS Access数据库作为后端如何通过将数据库文件放入AppData文件夹进行部署?

[英]VB.NET with MS access Database as backend how to deploy by putting Database file to AppData Folder?

i have developed VB.NET application using MS access DB as backend, at development and testing i have been using this connection string 我已经使用MS Access DB作为后端开发了VB.NET应用程序,在开发和测试中我一直在使用此连接字符串

 Dim connect_string As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\data.accdb"

as deployment to client's machines, database must be outside of program files, so how do i deploy this application by separating database from program files. 作为部署到客户端计算机的数据库,数据库必须位于程序文件之外,因此我如何通过将数据库与程序文件分开来部署此应用程序。 ?

You use 你用


to find a suitable root directory, and add something like YourCompanyName\\YourApplicationName to it. 查找合适的根目录,并向其中添加类似YourCompanyName\\YourApplicationName For XXXX, you use either ApplicationData , or LocalApplicationData , or CommonApplicationData , depending on your requirements (see here). 对于XXXX,您可以根据需要使用ApplicationDataLocalApplicationDataCommonApplicationData (请参见此处)。 Or you let your user configure a local or network path, for example in a config file. 或者,您可以让用户配置本地或网络路径,例如在配置文件中。

How your "initial database" gets there is up to your program. 您的“初始数据库”如何到达那里取决于您的程序。 For example, you could test if at there is a database file at the desired place and copy an empty template MDB into the folder if there is none. 例如,您可以测试所需位置是否有数据库文件,如果没有,则将一个空模板MDB复制到该文件夹​​中。 The template DB could be either in your program's installation directory, or embedded into the resources of your exe files, or you create it "on-the-fly" using DAO or ADO (do not know if that's possible by ADO.NET). 模板DB可以位于程序的安装目录中,也可以嵌入exe文件的资源中,或者您可以使用DAO或ADO“即时”创建它(不知道ADO.NET是否可以实现)。

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