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MongoDB C#2.0驱动程序查询,其中字段A小于字段B

[英]MongoDB C# 2.0 Driver Query Where Field A is Less Than Field B

I am using the C# 2.0 MongoDB Driver. 我正在使用C#2.0 MongoDB驱动程序。

I am trying to find all documents where field A is less than field B. 我正在尝试查找字段A小于字段B的所有文档。

I tried this: 我尝试了这个:

var filter = Builders<Stock>.Filter.Where(s => s.LastPrice < s.MosPrice);
var result = await _collection.Find(filter).ToListAsync();
return result;

But I received the following error: 但是我收到以下错误:

System.ArgumentException Unsupported filter: (Serialization(LastPrice) < Serialization(MosPrice)). System.ArgumentException不支持的过滤器:(Serialization(LastPrice)<Serialization(MosPrice))。

How can I perform this query using the new C# MongoDB Driver? 如何使用新的C#MongoDB驱动程序执行此查询?

To solve this type of queries I use BsonJavaScript : 为了解决这类查询,我使用了BsonJavaScript

With old driver : 老司机

var filter = Query.Where(new BsonJavaScript("this.LastPrice < this.MosPrice"));

With new driver : 使用新驱动程序

var filter = new BsonDocument(new BsonDocument("$where", new BsonJavaScript("this.LastPrice < this.MosPrice")));

Problem occurs becouse in where condition you try to filter by not constant value. 出现问题是因为您尝试使用非恒定值进行过滤的条件。 Mongo db driver not support this case. Mongo数据库驱动程序不支持这种情况。

Seems that you simply cannot: 似乎您根本无法:

"The issue with your query is that MongoDB does not allowing comparing two fields to each other. You can only compare fields to a constant. Because of this restriction, we cannot convert the query. It is simply not valid MongoDB syntax. “查询的问题在于MongoDB不允许将两个字段相互比较。您只能将字段与常量进行比较。由于这一限制,我们无法转换查询。这完全不是有效的MongoDB语法。

I'm going to close this ticket as Works as Designed." 我将按设计原样关闭这张票。”

https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CSHARP-1592 https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CSHARP-1592

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