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更新数组mongodb c#driver中的字段

[英]Update field in array mongodb c# driver

I try to update status field for object from p2l array 我尝试从p2l数组更新对象的status字段

var update = Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Set("p2l.$.status",BsonValue.Create(status))

It seems that code will work fine, but how to implement it with typed builder and set all fields with lambda ? 似乎代码可以正常工作,但如何使用类型化构建器实现它并使用lambda设置所有字段? I found a solution by the following link How to update a field in an array's subdocument contained in an array's subdocument in MongoDB using C# driver? 我通过以下链接找到了解决方案如何使用C#驱动程序更新MongoDB中数组子文档中包含的数组子文档中的字段?

But it suitable only for old version of driver. 但它仅适用于旧版本的驱动程序。

You can try something like: 您可以尝试以下方式:

Builders<Person>.Update.Set(x => x.Pets[-1].Name, "Fluffencutters")

Note -1 index on Pets collection, that means to apply set for all elements. 注意-1 Pets上的索引,表示为所有元素应用set。
I found this solution by exploring UpdateDefinitionBuilderTests . 我通过探索UpdateDefinitionBuilderTests找到了这个解决方案。

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