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MongoDb c#driver按字段值查找数组中的项目

[英]MongoDb c# driver find item in array by field value

i found the way to check is the value contains in simple array : 我发现检查的方法是在简单数组中包含的值:

var filter = Builders<Post>.Filter.AnyEq(x => x.Tags, "mongodb");

But how to find a complex item with many fields by a concrete field ? 但是如何通过具体领域找到包含许多字段的复杂项目? I found the way to write it via the dot notation approach with BsonDocument builder, but how can i do it with typed lambda notations ? 我找到了用BsonDocument构建器通过点符号方法编写它的方法,但是如何使用键入的lambda符号呢?

upd UPD

i think it some kind of 我觉得它有点像

builderInst.AnyIn(p => p.ComplexCollection.Select(ml => ml.Id), mlIds)

but can't check right now, is anyone could help ? 但现在无法检查,有人可以帮忙吗?

There is ElemMatch ElemMatch

var filter = Builders<Post>.Filter.ElemMatch(x => x.Tags, x => x.Name == "test");
var res = await collection.Find(filter).ToListAsync()

You need the $elemMatch operator. 你需要$elemMatch运算符。 You could use Builders<T>.Filter.ElemMatch or an Any expression: 您可以使用Builders<T>.Filter.ElemMatchAny表达式:

Find(x => x.Tags.Any(t => t.Name == "test")).ToListAsync()

http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-csharp-driver/2.0/reference/driver/expressions/#elemmatch http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-csharp-driver/2.0/reference/driver/expressions/#elemmatch

Here's an example that returns a single complex item from an array (using MongoDB.Driver v2.5.0): 这是一个从数组中返回单个复杂项的示例(使用MongoDB.Driver v2.5.0):

Simple Data Model 简单数据模型

public class Zoo
    public List<Animal> Animals { get; set; }

public class Animal
    public string Name { get; set; }

Option 1 (Aggregation) 选项1(聚合)

public Animal FindAnimalInZoo(string animalName)
    var zooWithAnimalFilter = Builders<Zoo>.Filter
        .ElemMatch(z => z.Animals, a => a.Name == animalName);

    return _db.GetCollection<Zoo>("zoos").Aggregate()
            Builders<Zoo>.Projection.Expression<Animal>(z => 
                z.Animals.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == animalName)))
        .FirstOrDefault(); // or .ToList() to return multiple

Option 2 (Filter & Linq) This was about 5x slower for me 选项2(Filter&Linq)这对我来说慢了大约5倍

public Animal FindAnimalInZoo(string animalName)
    // Same as above
    var zooWithAnimalFilter = Builders<Zoo>.Filter
        .ElemMatch(z => z.Animals, a => a.Name == animalName);

    var zooWithAnimal = _db.GetCollection<Zoo>("zoos")

    return zooWithAnimal.Animals.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == animalName);

As of the 2.4.2 release of the C# drivers, the IFindFluent interface can be used for querying on array element. 从2.4.2版本的C#驱动程序开始,IFindFluent接口可用于查询数组元素。 ElemMatch cannot be used on an array of strings directly, whereas the find interface will work on either simple or complex types (eg 'Tags.Name') and is strongly typed. ElemMatch不能直接用于字符串数组,而find接口可以处理简单或复杂类型(例如“Tags.Name”)并且是强类型的。

            FilterDefinitionBuilder<Post> tcBuilder = Builders<Post>.Filter;
            FilterDefinition<Post> tcFilter = tcBuilder.Eq("Tags","mongodb") & tcBuilder.Eq("Tags","asp.net");
            await myCollection.FindAsync(tcFilter);

Linq driver uses the aggregation framework, but for a query with no aggregation operators a find is faster. Linq驱动程序使用聚合框架,但对于没有聚合运算符的查询,查找更快。

Note that this has been broken in previous versions of the driver so the answer was not available at the time of original posting. 请注意,在以前版本的驱动程序中已经破坏了这一点,因此在原始发布时无法获得答案。

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