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将“提交者”从 node.tpl 移动到 page.tpl

[英]Move "Submitted By" from node.tpl to page.tpl

I'm looking to move "Submitted By" info from node.tpl to page.tpl however when I add the following from node.tpl I get errors.我希望将“提交者”信息从 node.tpl 移动到 page.tpl 但是当我从 node.tpl 添加以下内容时出现错误。 Im assuming I dont have access to those variables, but would like to know how I can set up a pre-proccess to get it to display as it does in the node.tpl我假设我无权访问这些变量,但想知道如何设置预处理以使其像在 node.tpl 中一样显示

  <?php if ($display_submitted): ?>
    <div class="submitted">
      <?php print $submitted; ?>
  <?php endif; ?>

You can either use a preprocess function in the template.php of your theme, as explained here:您可以在主题的 template.php 中使用预处理函数,如下所述:

https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/40222/how-can-i-print-node-authors-last-login-date-on-page-tpl-php https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/40222/how-can-i-print-node-authors-last-login-date-on-page-tpl-php

In your case it would look like this (tested on Drupal 7):在您的情况下,它看起来像这样(在 Drupal 7 上测试):

function yourtheme_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  $variables['author'] = "";
  if (isset($variables['node']) && ($account = user_load($variables['node']->uid))) {
    $variables['author'] = $account->name;

And then in your page.tpl.php use this:然后在你的 page.tpl.php 中使用这个:

Submitted by: <?php print $author; ?>

If you don't want to touch any of your theme's files, but you need to output the author's name in another region as the node content, you could create a view (block display) containing the node author, and assign it to the region.如果不想动你的主题的任何文件,但需要输出另一个区域的作者姓名作为节点内容,你可以创建一个包含节点作者的视图(块显示),并将其分配给区域.

While normally done in node.tpl.php , if the page is a node view page, the $node variable is also available in page.tpl.php虽然通常在node.tpl.php完成, node.tpl.php如果页面是节点视图页面,则 $node 变量也在page.tpl.php可用

You can then use something like:然后你可以使用类似的东西:

if (isset($node)) {
  // Check if display submitted variable is set for this node type
  if (variable_get('node_submitted_'. $node->type, 0)) {
    // Do stuff

An alternative approach would be adding the required logic instead to an implementation of另一种方法是将所需的逻辑添加到


Bonus update: You can see the $node variable added to page.tpl.php in core template_preprocess_page奖励更新:您可以在核心template_preprocess_page看到添加到 page.tpl.php 的 $node 变量

if ($node = menu_get_object()) {
  $variables['node'] = $node;

In page.tpl.php :page.tpl.php

<div class="submitted">
     <?php echo format_date($node->created, 'custom','d.m.Y'); ?><br />
     <?php echo 'by ' . $node->name; ?>

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