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如何限制对SOLR特定页面(例如“ Core Admin”)的访问?

[英]How to restrict access to SOLR Specific Pages such as “Core Admin”?

I can't restrict access to SOLR's "Core Admin" page which comes in the main page of SOLR web console.(Located at the left hand side menu). 我不能限制访问SOLR Web控制台主页上的SOLR的“ Core Admin”页面。(位于左侧菜单中)。 I followed the SOLR Security wiki page tutorials to enable login based authentication in Apache Tomcat 7. Then in my SOLR's web.xml file, I added the following url pattern elements: 我遵循了SOLR安全性Wiki页面教程,以在Apache Tomcat 7中启用基于登录的身份验证。然后,在我的SOLR的web.xml文件中,添加了以下网址模式元素:


Then when I go the "Core Admin" page in my browser window, it does not ask for any credentials. 然后,当我进入浏览器窗口中的“ Core Admin”页面时,它不会要求提供任何凭据。 What would be the cause of this problem ? 这是什么原因造成的?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Hmm I checked the Tomcat's access logs and find the following related to requesting the core admin page: 嗯,我检查了Tomcat的访问日志,发现以下与请求核心管理页面有关的内容: - - [05/Jul/2015:21:59:49 +0300] "GET /solr/admin/cores?wt=json&_=1436122789842 HTTP/1.1" 200 862 - - [05/Jul/2015:21:59:49 +0300] "GET /solr/admin/cores?wt=json&_=1436122789864 HTTP/1.1" 200 862 - admin [05/Jul/2015:21:59:49 +0300] "GET /solr/tpl/cores.html?_=1436122789875 HTTP/1.1" 200 6973

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