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[英]How to clear all data EXCEPT columns X, Y & Z?

I would like to clear ALL (not delete) the content in a worksheet EXCEPT columns X, Y & Z (for example)? 我想清除工作表中除X,Y和Z列之外的所有(而不是删除)内容(例如)吗? These columns are stored in a variable. 这些列存储在变量中。

Yes, you clear two ranges: 是的,您清除了两个范围:

  • Range No. 1 from column 1 ('A') to 23 ('W'). 从列1('A')到23('W')的1号范围。
  • Range No. 2 from column 27 ('AA') to the last used column. 从第27列('AA')到最后使用的列的范围为2号。

This function does it: 此功能可以做到:

Public Sub CustomClear()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ActiveSheet

    ws.Range(ws.Columns(1), ws.Columns(23)).Clear
    ws.Range(ws.Columns(27), ws.Columns(ws.UsedRange.End(xlToRight).Column)).Clear
End Sub

Really interesting question -- and @SQLPolice's answer succinctly gets the job done. 真正有趣的问题-@SQLPolice的答案简洁地完成了工作。 (+1 on that by the way.) (顺便说一句。)

Here's another option, which can handle Range variables that start / stop in columns other than Range("X:Z") : 这是另一个选项,它可以处理在Range("X:Z")之外的其他列中开始/停止的Range变量:

Option Explicit
Public Sub ClearRangesBeforeAndAfter()

    Dim rngToKeep As Range, rngToClear As Range
    Dim lngColNum As Long
    Dim wks As Worksheet

    Set wks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) '<~ assume we're on Sheet1

    With wks
        Set rngToKeep = .Range("W:Z") '<~ this is the example range from OP
        'Or, we could pick any other group of continuous columns, like:
        'Set rngToKeep = .Range("B:D")
        'Set rngToKeep = .Range("H:Z")
        'Set rngToKeep = .Range("A:AZ")

        'First, find the farthest-left border of the "keep" range
        'by leveraging the relative nature of rngToKeep.Cells
        lngColNum = rngToKeep.Cells(1, 1).Column

        'Now we can clear everything up to that border
        If lngColNum > 1 Then
            Set rngToClear = .Range(.Columns(1), .Columns(lngColNum - 1))
        End If

        'Then, find the farthest-right border of the "keep" range
        'and clear the remaining cells
        lngColNum = rngToKeep.Offset(0, rngToKeep.Columns.Count).Column
        Set rngToClear = .Range(.Columns(lngColNum), _
    End With

End Sub

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