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如何清除除 X、Y 和 Z 列和 A、B、C 行之外的所有数据?

[英]How to clear all data EXCEPT columns X, Y & Z AND rows A,B,C?

I have seen this very similar question, and I think the answer by user @SQL Police is great!我见过这个非常相似的问题,我认为用户@SQL Police 的回答很棒! But I can not figure out how to modify or adapt it to produce the results I am looking for.但我不知道如何修改或调整它以产生我正在寻找的结果。 Here is my (similar, but different) question:这是我的(类似但不同的)问题:

I want to delete everything that is NOT in columns 24 - 26, but also not in rows 1 - 6.我想删除不在第 24 - 26 列中的所有内容,但也不在第 1 - 6 行中。

I have code that can do each seperately, but not together.我有代码可以单独执行,但不能一起执行。

To delete with specified columns:删除指定列:

Sub ColClear()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet

ws.Range(ws.Columns(1), ws.Columns(23)).ClearContents
ws.Range(ws.Columns(27), ws.Columns(ws.UsedRange.End(xlToRight).Column)).Clear

End Sub

To delete with specified rows:要删除指定的行:

Sub RowClear()
With Sheets("SheetName")
.Rows(7 & ":" & .Rows.Count).ClearContents
End With
End Sub

But how can I do both at once?但是我怎么能同时做这两个呢? (The intersection of the two ranges, not the union) (两个范围的交集,而不是并集)


Adapt to your requirement, the basic idea is to get the range of both sides then ClearContents separately:适应您的要求,基本思想是分别获取双方的范围然后ClearContents

Option Explicit

Private Sub Test()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    With ws
        Dim bottomLeftRng As Range
        Set bottomLeftRng = .Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 23))
        Dim bottomRightRng As Range
        Set bottomRightRng = .Range(.Cells(7, 27), .Cells(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count))
    End With
End Sub

It is a pity that the Excel VBA object model does not provide a Difference() function to complement the included Union() and Intersect() functions.遗憾的是 Excel VBA 对象模型没有提供Difference()函数来补充包含的Union()Intersect()函数。

If it did your task would be as simple as this:如果它做到了,您的任务将像这样简单:

With Difference(ws.[x:z], ws.[1:6])
End With

So, let's make a Difference() function that you can call with the above snippet:因此,让我们创建一个可以使用上述代码段调用的Difference()函数:

Function Difference(r1 As Range, r2 As Range) As Range
    Dim x1&, x2&, x3&, x4&
    Dim y1&, y2&, y3&, y4&
    Dim a&, rBox As Range, rUni As Range, rInt As Range
    Set rInt = Intersect(r1, r2)
    Set rUni = Union(r1, r2)
    Set rBox = rUni.Areas(1)
    For a = 2 To rUni.Areas.Count
        Set rBox = Range(rBox, rUni.Areas(a))
    x1 = rBox.Column
    x2 = rInt.Column - 1
    x3 = rInt.Column + rInt.Columns.Count
    x4 = rBox.Column + rBox.Columns.Count - 1

    y1 = rBox.Row
    y2 = rInt.Row - 1
    y3 = rInt.Row + rInt.Rows.Count
    y4 = rBox.Row + rBox.Rows.Count - 1
    Set rUni = Range(Cells(y3, x3), Cells(y4, x4))
    If y2 Then Set rUni = Union(rUni, Range(Cells(y1, x3), Cells(y2, x4)))
    If x2 Then Set rUni = Union(rUni, Range(Cells(y3, x1), Cells(y4, x2)))
    If y2 > 0 And x2 > 0 Then Set rUni = Union(rUni, Range(Cells(y1, x1), Cells(y2, x2)))
    Set Difference = rUni
End Function

I believe this solves the general case of preserving the contents of the intersection and union of two ranges while clearing everything else.我相信这解决了保留两个范围的交集和并集内容同时清除其他所有内容的一般情况。

It also works for smaller ranges, clearing only the corner areas within the box that tightly surrounds the union:它也适用于较小的范围,仅清除框内紧紧围绕联合的角落区域:

With Difference(ws.[a9:ba11], ws.[v3:z25])
End With

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